Oklahoma fails. Again.

Discussion in 'General' started by TearDownGod, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. #1 TearDownGod, Apr 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2010
    Oklahoma has some forsight for once- to ban human animal hybrids? :confused:

    Thank god were not wasting our time on bullshit like the completely fucked up roads, violence in public schools, or the completely overcrowded prison system.

    God bless Oklahoma! Thank God those damn liberals and thier faggot supporters can't attack the morality of the human race by splicing genes to create hellish-hybrid monsters!

    Tulsa World: Senate OKs bill to keep autopsy information confidential

    What do the other states worry about, stupid shit like legalization of marijuana? PFFT. We're taking a 'proactive stance' against genesplicing! Fucking yes!

    Beat that, Texas.
  2. Idk, Lima, maybe they know something we don't know...


  3. "It would prevent the creation of creatures where their species identification is so blurred you don't know if you are dealing with a human or an animal," said Rep. Rebecca Hamilton


    I don't even know what to say to that. I sincerely thought of a joke, but it would be unworthy. How people of such IQ's get elected to public office, amongst a myriad of intelligent people...I just, :(.

    I will express my dissonance with a frown.

  4. Just be happy you aren't stuck here for the next few years...
  5. I was hoping to get some epic bat wings.
  6. Oklahoma state legislature is just one failure after another. Shit can I get some Cold 6pt beer for fucks sake. No lets just mandate you lower the quality of your product. They voted down a bill for liquor law reform just this year. I spent a week as a page working at the senate and they care more about what to name their race horses than working. I cannot express how fucking stupid and trapped in a bubble those fuckers are.

  7. My brother did too. Name was Alex. Page thing, I mean, a summer or two ago. He said they spent an hour at the begining of each session not doing a goddamn thing but making introductions.

    How can we expect to make this state better? Wait till these conservatives, stupid worthless lazy assholes die of old age?

    Tulsa, btw:wave: Never see OK smokers on here.

    Edit- I'd kiiiilllll for a 6pt hein'...
  8. Honestly I think itll be 2 more generations before this state amounts to shit. Everyone I know who has the potential to change is planning on getting the fuck out of here if they haven't already, myself included.

    I live in enid but Im down in Norman for school right now.
  9. I'm thinking about new mexico. Into the damn desert. Grow some weed and hide from the rest of humanity, come back when things are looking a bit more open minded.

    Deffinitly not this hellhole. Even in alot of Arkansas the shit's the lowest priority on the cops get-list. Fucking arkansas!

    Edit- oops, i'm refering to weed, which is irrelevent but true all the same.. :smoke: my bad

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