Ok, so this time...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Terran, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. ...I might get caught! Im sitting at my computer, supah dupah high, after smoking at least 3 bleezies with my homeboy, Im at home and my ma should be home in under an hour. My mom knows i can do what i want pretty much, cause im above age, but they get pissed as hell if i have "it" in the house, and are just touchy as hell about it in general. So, will i get caught?

    BTW: heres tha damage report:
    My cat's hair is now spiked up in a lil' 'doo like sanjaya from american idol.
    My eyes are as red as if i just ate 10 peppers.
    Im shaking so bad that i have to write every word at least two times because of al the typos.
    my phone rang two times but i forgot to pick it up.

    place your bets gentlemen
    i will update.
  2. Speaking from experience, I'd say you could come out of this fine. I got really high with a friend one time and my mom came home like fifteen minutes later and she didn't know. Just don't let paranoia take over or try too hard to act sober.
  3. Nah bro your fine.

    Just make sure no weed is out in the open are your golden.
  4. just chill in a room near the bathroom then when you see them pull into the driveway jump in the shower and just try to sober up, if they ask bout the eyes say you spilled shampoo in them
  5. You'll be fine, I'm sure.
  6. holy shit, were said bleezies filled with pcp? i've never shook from smoking. maybe you need sleep or something lol. how bout just not confronting your mom? lol
  7. Hmm shes not home yet... My eyes are still red and eyedrops only made it worse...
    maybe i wont get caught but im being really paranoid, lol!
    my cat is now completely covered in wax and its all spiked up sanjaya-ey. My friend did it and i did also.
    i am real tired so i might take a lil nap. Showers boost my high btww.
    updates soon-i am honestly gonna get caught lol! i cant hold a train of thought at all.
  8. You have control of the situation, are you going to sit there?

  9. uhh yeah. I cant really do much can i?
  10. this is epic dude..
  11. shit one time i got so blazed i was sitting down for so long that when i got up my legs started shaking and i almost fell so thats prob normal

    just go brush ur teeth or use some mouthwash
    wash your hands
    put on some cologne
    chew on a piece of gum
    dont make eye contact and avoid making conversation
  12. got a phone call, shes gonna be out till around 7:30 now... smoked s lil more but i dont really think im gonna get caught now.
  13. Chillax

    My parents have the same sort of don't ask don't tell policy, and I never had any trouble.
  14. Hahahhaha just chill out man.

    And stop giving the cat funny hair-do's!
  15. Chiil... i forgot to update. I got caught cause of m eyes. I was trying to play it cool but i just knocked over a lamp and while i was explaining it to her she smelled my breath...
    but she just bitched at me for a while, haha. Nothin too serious.
  16. bahahahha
    u need to get better eye drops and u should of brushed ur teeth.

    ive had many things happen to me like this. coming home from smoking blunts and bowls to the face with a friend or two and having my eyes all fucked like that. wasnt caught but she was definatly scopin at me for a while.

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