I think i'd invent plug in vaporisers (like plug in air fresheners) and they'd just constantly pump out vapour droness into my house so anyone who came in would be instantly stoned within a few breaths. sure you'd loose loads of it to the atmosphere but you'd be a millionaire so it wouldnt matter
Hahahaha brilllllliant You should have certain rooms that are constantly being hot boxed. A different strain per room Sent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
How much? Mega millions? Take out 200k for a new house, 100k for a gallardo, 100k for kids college and family, 100k to spend on motorcycles... I'd get like 10 or 12 and give one to every house on the street so I'd have some buds to ride with. 10k for Bongs and ounces to match. The rest I wouldn't know how to spend so I'd probably end up saving and living off interest, or invest it.
I would definitely buy a huge plot of land and make an entirely self-sufficient home with its own solar power and well and set up a food and weed garden and never talk to anyone again. And then I'd do your vaporizer idea because it's absolutely fantastic.
Hit me up if you need help setting it all up i plan on hiking/train hopping/Woofing/Couch Surfing around the earth for a while and see what places i like the most
If you're going to pump constant weed into your house I hope buy can also afford a large fridge for the munchies.
I would probably buy an island and live in a shack on the beach. I would also get a helicopter use it so disperse marijuana seeds all over the island. Marijuana will become the most abundant plant my island. It will be legal to smoke and I'll let people move to my island and start environmentally friendly businesses (highly regulated but tax free)
Make weed weights and use those instead of iron. Mhmm. Sent from my LG-MS770 using Grasscity Forum mobile app