Ok let me know if this artwork is, ummm anything near good pls.

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by bwitsne, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. Ok, so my lifes sorta gone no where after highschool this past year and I am going to look into my past hobbies for jobs rather then just going to school cause i did that and it wasn't working out. I think I want to get back into web design or photo editing. I am really good(in my view), that I can take a picture of someone and make it look bad ass. I don't have any large work(like high resolution), because I only made little signature desgisns for forums.

    Here is some of my work, let me know. I wish I had the original images for all the work. Just know that the whole thing looked completely different before I started.

    Do I have any talent? I need some people who really know what their talking about.

    Click on them below, sadly there is only a few before and afters.

    Attached Files:

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