Ok, call me an idiot.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by forever420, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. I've been lurking through this website for 3 days and I think i'm confused(It might just be my high right now), I've been exposed to so much diverse information that I don't know what to do with since I have only bits and pieces of all, my mind just keeps wandering from technique to technique so I'll tell you guys what I have and what I want and hope you guys can help me out. I'm planning a stealth grow at the end of my walk in closet. I want to put some kind of cabinet or cupboard (found an entertainment center today at goodwill that looks just right for $60, little expensive though) that I can put 4 bagseed plants into with a few cfl bulbs that add up to maybe 200 and something watts. I'll have 2 80mm ball bearing computer fans at the top as exhausts with 2 intake holes at the bottom corners. This is my first grow so I'm thinking any expected yield more than 4 ounces from this set-up (in perfect conditions, no males, no deaths) isn't sensible especially since I want to harvest relatively soon after planting but I certainly wouldn't mind yielding more. Also I'm interested in the ScrOG technique, does anyone have some kind of pictoral guide of it?
  2. If you have the whole end of the closet for growing, then a cabinet might cause more probs than anything.

    You can use velcro from the hardware store and black sheet plactic to make a wall. Put the same plastic on the floor. Hang your light from the ceiling on hooks so you can move it. Finger out a way for ventilation and your good to go.

    You'll have plenty of room for the plants to grow, but if you want to do a SCROG then just use chicken wire, fence wire, make a net, or use any other contraption that can pass as a net and put it over the plants after you sex them. Then bend and move the branches to keep an even canopy.

    You can use the search tool to find more info, or just go to youtube. Good luck.
  3. I read in a guide that opening your door a few times a day is good enough for a small grow, if mine is too large I'm willing to take one or two plants off the agenda. After a bit of reading I've decided to do the bubbleponics method and possibly LST if I feel confident after a few more weeks of research.
  4. #4 BKKG, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    Read a grow guide (I think there is still one stickied on the indoor growing page, I'll check later). You need basics, rather than some of the crazy ideas more experienced growers throw around here. Once you understand the information in a guide, you can expand your knowledge with more complex methods mentioned in the City.

    And forget pulling a harvest "relatively soon after planting", you're looking at 3-4 months of effort here.

    And I don't want to call you an idiot, no matter what your thread title:wave:

    EDIT: The sticky I was thinking of isn't there, but I found a link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/13387/The-Cannabis-Grow-Bible
    This is the first grow guide I ever read, very informative and useful for a beginner.

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