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Oil Dome vs. Skillet

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by metalplusweed, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. looking to get the best posible technology for smoking oils/wax.. no budget

    skillet? oil dome?

    any good companies?
  2. [quote name='"metalplusweed"']looking to get the best posible technology for smoking oils/wax.. no budget

    skillet? oil dome?

    any good companies?[/quote]

    I have both side and top loading nails and 45 and 90 skillets. Among many male adapters too. Nails are the way to go in my opinion. It's just easier. I like quartz puddles the most, if you don't have a budget.
  3. Ti nail and dome all the way bro. Ive used nails and skillets and prefer nails.

    company wise...its all grade 2 titanium so you cant really go wrong. i rock a Ti nail from ebay...i got it for pretty cheap...but since you said no budget you should check out Highly Educated Titanium...they have top notch nails

  4. Yeah I'd say this sums it up quite well
  5. I know this wasn't one of your options, but I'm a recent convert to kettle curves. And I love them. Best part is, they are damn near impossible to fuck up.
  6. I prefer a nail over a skillet as I think nails are easier to use.
  7. Nail/Dome setups are also good because when you put the dome on its covering anything from hitting the hot nail, like your skin. With a skillet you just have a hot piece of metal in the open to do some damage to whatever may be around to hit it
  8. I like my Eclipse essential vape.

    It's got glass vials, and no smoke is ever lost. I find it to taste better than my ti-pad.

    Just heat it with a torch and hit it. It's great.
  9. I rock a Ti nail from ebay...i got it for pretty cheap...but since you said no budget you should check out Highly Educated Titanium[​IMG]
  10. Honestly I never liked domes because of the three-piece aspect. Titanium swings are just a lot more convenient and work just as well. My two HMK curves are my most prized paraphernalia.

    Also, I don't like not being able to get a nail out easily while it is hot. If I'm trying to take a dab and run out the door I always run my pad under the sink before I put it up and you can't do that with a nail without something to grip it with.

    Interested in getting a ladle though, I can handle two pieces for the wind-proof aspect of the dome. Ladle can be easily cooled like I like too.
  11. drews laddles can also be used for flowers^
  12. How did I forget about my ladle? o_O
    I fuckin love my DWB ladle dome set up too
    I'd say, if you want a curve, get a kettle. But if you want a dome, look into a ladle dome.

    If you order the slide with a screen or order a disk diffused slide with a ladle you can use it for flowers like I do.
  13. #14 Nard, Mar 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2012
    this is by far the best, most efficient way I've smoked oil.

    Omicron Vaporizer - PlanetVape

    if that doesn't work remove the "dots"
    http://www dot planetvape dot ca/vaporizers/omicron-vaporizer.html
  14. Qaurtz nail and dome.. the end!

  15. Kettle curves are where its at. By far my favorite.

    Here's a good example of one if you don't know what a kettle curve is.

    NUGGETRY TV Glass Review: Kettle Curve | NUGGETRY tv
  16. The only downside about dwb is that it might take a while to get (still waiting on mine). I really like my skillet though and compared to my buddys nail I really notice no difference in how easy it is to use.

    The skillet will be cheapest, but if there is no budget I would get both honestly.

    and Highly Educated Ti is probably the best Ti brand out there
  17. I gotta ask...why Ti? So many other less expensive metals that will work just as well
  18. Ive always heard it holds the heat the best and heats up the fastest. anyone know the science behind this or why?
  19. i think skillet might be the way to go, but it comes down to preference

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