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Oh yes, Mexican brick from 2010 high; replication.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ohspyro89, May 8, 2023.

  1. This is a super out there kind of inquiry.

    Back around 2010, all I could get was Mexican brick weed. Super compact, brown full of seeds and stems.

    The thing is, the high was so much different. It was way more trippy than stuff today. I've been on a quest to find out how essentially. Don't get me wrong, I realize the significance of the first times I was getting stoned on this probably blow it out of proportion.

    But! a year or two after I'd been smoking, and growing, a buddy made some iso-hash with some Mexican brick weed. It had the exact effect as the other stuff. We'd been smoking decent stuff that was dried and cured right but the shit Mexican stuff would knock you out.

    One of the more interesting things is that the onset of the high is incredibly slow. It seems like you can finish a blunt before it'd kick in. When it does kick in, it does all at once. I remember feeling like time wasn't moving and that everything had a kind of visual alteration to it. It was just incredibly trippy. Also, it was stupid giggly. You'd end up laughing over nothing forever.

    I've done research, came upon the Malawi Cob stuff. I've been trying to make it happen but I feel like it's not going to do it. I've considered drying weed in the sun, for the brownness, and pressing it into a brick to see what happens.

    Anybody have any clue as to why the weed was that way?

    I've grown fire before and it won't hold a candle to it. Even dabs don't do the same thing. It's something I've been after forever. Even a 24 week sativa didn't bring anything like that. I don't feel like it's a cultivar, I feel like it comes from the process.
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  2. I know exactly what you mean and agree nothing today matches that Mexican brick weed I got in the 70's. Nothing beats that Mexican sun and soil for growing cannabis.
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  3. The only problem is we are supporting cartels unknowingly.
  4. we called it creeper weed back in the 70's
    you would smoke a whole joint and think you got ripped off and then all sudden bam
    problem was you would smoke another one thinking it was bunk and that was the end of the day, just kick back and play records all day
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  5. so is our government
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  6. FJB!!
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  7. agreed
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  8. I remember it from the late 70's, early 80's. We used to steam it a little in a strainer until it fluffed up some.

    A friend of mine can get what I'd call todays equivalent of it. Not quite so many seeds and it's actually kinda green. Not many people want it because of the seeds and it doesn't have the smell and taste of a lot of the strains today, but it'll get me good and high.
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  9. Interesting!

    It's just so strange that it's so much different given that we are growing stuff in controlled environments and can't nail the same effect. I think that's what has killed me over the years. It's like, the high end stuff is great and properly cured and all of that but it doesn't carry the same effect.

    For what it's worth, I made a brick of some stuff I harvested a while back and hung it in my tent in a zip-loc bag. I've got an old sausage press so I threw a length of 2" pvc in it, cut two wood circles and pressed it all together. It's incredible how much you can press into a small spot and how well it stays together. Seems like the light had made the outside of the 'brick' turn yellow but the inside is still a bit green. I had some last night but I can't say if it's different or not. It felt like it but it could simply be psychosomatic.
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  10. all you are doing is crushing the trichomes .. the effects back then were from the types of cannabis available from the Mexican growing fields, like CBD type mixes in there to increase the body impact and most likely lots of CBN as it THC oxidizes and degrades it forms into CBN .. now product is shipped from America to Mexico but there are still Mexican farmers growing it
    edit - the sativa effects too may have no ceiling as wild land race genetics tend to provide , hence higher and higher without a ceiling effect
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  11. I suppose I left out the method of 'sweating' I did as well. It was in that Malawi Cob thread. Although, the stuff going into the brick wasn't exactly moist. It was quite dry.

    It seems like if it was strain specific, somebody would have something that matches it. It just doesn't seem like it's super dependent on the plant, and more on a process or something.

    I'm curious about the oxidation and transformations to make it all happen. It seems so specific to mexican brick that it has to be repeatable!
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  12. I fucking miss that shit!! 2004 all over again. The visuals in my peripherals were insane.
  13. Right?

    I just don't get it. I don't get why it just seemingly vanished. High end pot be damned, it's not the same.

    Even with the medical stuff we get, the stuff will make me green out well before I hit those sorts of visuals and buzz. Even then, the visuals really aren't there and the feelings aren't there. There was a decent amount of time dilation as well.

    I've done mushrooms quite a bit and it is similar but obviously different. I don't remember feeling any 'waves' of time dilation like mushrooms do. The visuals weren't shiny or glisteny either, they were just... vivid.

    I'm going to make my own brick. Only real issue is the sun drying spot. I'm not exactly in a great spot to be hanging buds outside until they dry. It very well could assist in the process of degradation of cannabinoids into... well other ones.

    I just don't see why this isn't some sort of product out there. We've got everything EXCEPT high quality brick weed with those associated effects. I'm just curious how it worked. I want to find it again. If anybody has any ideas, feel free to post em!
  14. Probably growing and curing technique.
  15. Is brick weed stronger or have more strength then todays stuff ? It sounds like after reading the first post, it’s psychedelic?
  16. I remember a pound of brick fitting nicely in my back pack. I also remember laughing hysterically at stuff that likely wasn't funny at all.
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  17. What if what you're missing, is smashing all the males and females together?
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  18. That's an interesting hypothesis. I never thought about the males not getting separated, but all the seeds make that unlikely.
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  19. using male plant for edible is supposed to be like an extended high , or time delayed high like a slow drip feed over time
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  20. Mexican dirt weed..... was shit weed.............and in the mid to last part of the 70's it was getting sprayed.
    About 80 a kilo in Mexico and 160. to 180 in the USA.
    Back then you traded for weed in Mexico.
    Living 6 miles from the Mexican boarder you could always slide into Tecate and pick some up.
    But who would want too?
    Columbian weed was easy to get then if you lived in So Cal, even by the bale and a whole lot better then Mexican dirt weed, that might of been sprayed.
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