Oh my god look at gc in 2001!

Discussion in 'General' started by TravisH997, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Go to this link: Internet Archive Wayback Machine

    You can look at archived versions of GC from all the back from when the site was started!

    It's so funny to look at how the site has changed looks!
  2. Hahaha, woooow! Cool find, OP.

    + rep
  3. Recreational Marijuana Use: 57 total threads, WOW!

    I'd plus rep you, but I'm totally dry.
  4. Haha I'm sorry dude. I wasn't on the sit 6 months ago :)

    Sep. 7, 2001: 790 members
    Now: 186,406 members

    Sep. 7, 2001: 1597 threads
    Now: 411,615 threads

    Sep. 7, 2001: 7054 posts
    Now: 5,180,616 posts

    It's grown soooo much
  5. I like the one thread about N64 games in the general section
  6. GC really had a big surge in members at the end of '03
  7. its grown about 23000 users per year.
  8. #9 TravisH997, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2009
    Ha I saw that to

    EDIT: Even in January of '08 the City still hadn't changed over to the layout it is now. It was all white lol

    DBL EDIT: Check out Facebook when it first came out: http://web.archive.org/web/20050806011211/http://facebook.com/

    TRIPLE EDIT: Myspace when it came out: http://web.archive.org/web/20031004101518/http://myspace.com/

    QUAD EDIT: Youtube: http://web.archive.org/web/20050428014715/http://www.youtube.com/
  9. Isn't that when Harold & Kumar came out?
  10. thats a really cool find! it looks so bland compaired to the more developed community i know and love
  11. Yea I wish I had been around when it was still small....
  12. yup, even in the time ive been in here, i remember just a few months ago we were at 420 on bigboards, now we are almost to 300
  13. That's pretty cool man. I looked at some sites I haven't seen in years, that have been long shut down.

  14. I wonder if there's any correlation between the increased number of GC users and some kind of media thing...
  15. haha damn i seen some of my posts from 03...funny stuff.
    bringin back some memories thats fa sho.
    plus rep bro, i love seeing old school GC shit like this.
  16. Movie about weed equals more people talking about/interested in smoking weed, and looking on the internet for marijuana related websites?

    Why not?
  17. i just visited alot of old forums..sweet ass!

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