oh my fuck this is so cool!

Discussion in 'General' started by Superjoint, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Great Shot!


    • Like Like x 21
  2. woah that is neat how he do that
  3. FUCKING AWESOME! Did you take this picture or do you know they guy in it?
  4. Is he shaking hands with it?
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  5. Great timing
  6. Rocking the buzz lightyear on the wall hehehehe

    there's certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs.
    but it's going to happen weather you are or your not
  7. fake and gay

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  8. How is it fake?

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  9. He's just jealous he wouldn't even know where to start on capturing such an awesome picture, he probably doesn't even know how to blow smoke rings.

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  10. A fuckin' wizard!

    Kill it, kill it with fire!:coolalt:
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  11. is that like.. a single smoke ring blown in the camera's direction?

    or is it like a huge smoke ring that was crafted mid-air?
  12. Don't try to understand it, just let it blow your mind.
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  13. Lol was just kidding. Basically dropping a meme in text form. It's a pretty rad picture

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  14. Ohhh okay lol, sarcasm is hard to read in the form of text

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