Oh man

Discussion in 'General' started by Mogwai, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. So here I am, drunk as fuck. I do the usual drunk routine at the end of the night by getting on Facebook at like 4am and seein' what's new.

    I got a friend request from my 12 year old niece. My sister just found out she's pregnant again and my niece had the usual fears you'd when you're 12.. So her parents decided to let her get a FB since she's wanted one for years (they closely moniter it, of course).

    Problemmmm is, I recently said "fuck it" on facebook and started posting what I want. So there's weed, alcohol, and the like.

    Should I delete it all? Leave it and try to explain it? .. or just not be friends with her? (I can't do that haha, shed be so sad) I dunno why I'm asking. Cause Imdrunk I guess. What do you think is the best route?
  2. Let it ride bro she's gonna grow up someday
  3. Who cares just keep it the way it is.
  4. #4 Meneks, Mar 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2012
    Make a second facebook exclusively for family members, block her and send a request on the other account...

    You probably have a bunch of friends on your fb and it would kinda suck to have to censor your thoughts because of a few relatives.

    Edit: I usually just block my older relatives, my senior year of highschool they would comment on my statuses that might have had like a curse word in it of me saying "fuck" or something.

    That seriously got annoying for me as thats how I normally talk when I'm with friends.
    I show my respect at family dinners and other occasions during the holidays, there is no point in me being an up tight person ON THE INTERNET. soo I blocked em, theres no reason why a bunch of 40+ year olds really needed to see what i was doing..

    We are from separate generations so therefor see things differently. Stick to people your age.
  5. you can always individually block who can and can't see your pictures...
  6. I say you dress it up like a Slowpoke in a suit.
  7. Unless I'm getting how you wrote this wrong...this girl is 12 years old and pregnant?
    I'm pretty sure that makes your average standards somewhat higher than hers.

    If I read it wrong and you're talking about your sister - good luck to her.

    In regards to the facebook thing, it is nice not to have to front around family, they should be the one group of people in the world you don't have to pretend to be something/someone you're not around...so I'd say within reason, you should be able to say what you want...unless you're all immature about it and post "I'm SO high" every second post, then I'd say you would just look like a normal person that indulges in weed, how responsible/mature you are about conducting yourself could show you for one kind of example or another.
    Future/potential employers and co-workers on the other hand...well, those are another story. You can't trust anyone to keep their mouth shut there. So my idea is, keep friends and family on your friends list - If they can't deal with who you are then that's an issue you've put out there that would have come out eventually anyway.
    Keep other viewers to limited access.
    Best advice - Don't add ANYONE from work, ever. I've only ever seen this go bad.

    If I were you, I would not FB post too much while fucked up. This will be what lands you in the shit.
  8. I'd go with make a new Facebook just for relatives
  9. I pretty much keep most of the drug talk to GC, along with any bipolar stuff that goes on. I don't want my friends knowing about that stuff, unless I decide to tell them otherwise...

    Pretty much FB for uni, and the dog stuff i'm involved with, so I never have that problem generally.

    Separate account sounds to be the way forward, yes she'll find out about the birds and the blunts eventually, but why hurry that stuff up? kids lose their innocence way too early in this day and age anyhow, no need to facilitate it, and when she is 'old' enough, if FB is still going, add her to the proper account at a later date.
  10. you should just delete your facebook.
  11. Reading comprehension bud, try it.

  12. This is what my daughter does... Oh wait... I'm not suppose to know that...:p:laughing:
  13. Actually, I took into account both possible meanings.

    So yeah, "Observation - learn it"
  14. Wait until she turns at least 16 to fuck her bro
  15. I dont post anything on facebook or twitter that could hurt me in the future, yea I'm being up tight online but I don't like proof of me being fucked up. I don't have any older family member on my fbook I denied family members I know what would happen if I accepted but this social network is for me to keep up with my friends not family who can check up on me ect

  16. Oh how I love you passive-aggressive types.
  17. Not as much as I love those that are introspective enough to not try and call someone out on the same card they've just played. ;)

  18. It's his niece wat the fuck are you talking about?

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