1. Look at his shirt. 2. Try to read the 3 little letters on the box if you don't get it. DEA
The implication for those who don't get it: Blackwater is a mercenary organization, a private military firm that the federal government pays. The DEA is a federal organization, so... You've got private mercenaries carrying out federal law and helping on busts on dispenseries. Ask yourself if this is a big deal.
The only thing I'd be concerned about (if I were an American citizen), is that expenditure of my tax money. You know what they pay those guys compared to a civil servant?
Many DEA agents are making $125,000+, lifetime benefits, insurance, company cars, the works. And they are contracting out to Blackwater?!?!? Something is very rotten in (USA) Denmark. Cofer Black, the company's current vice chairman, was the Bush administration's top counter terrorism official when 9/11 occurred. In 2002, he famously stated: "There was before 9/11 and after 9/11. After 9/11, the gloves come off." Blackwater has become home to a significant number of former senior CIA and Pentagon officials. Robert Richer became the firm's Vice President of Intelligence immediately after he resigned his position as Associate Deputy Director of Operations in fall 2005. He is formerly the head of the CIA's Near East Division. Blackwater's training facility, located on 7,000 acres in North Carolina, comprises several ranges, indoor, outdoor, urban reproductions, a man-made lake, and a driving track in Camden and Currituck counties. It is one of the largest firearms training facilities in the world. Company literature claims that the company runs "the largest privately owned firearms training facility in the world." In November 2006 Blackwater USA announced it recently acquired an 80-acre (30 ha) facility 150 miles (240 km) west of Chicago, in Mount Carroll, Illinois to be called Blackwater North. That facility has been operational since April, 2007 and serves law enforcement agencies throughout the midwest. Blackwater is also trying to open a facility in California for military and law enforcement training, in Potrero, San Diego County. Looks like they are spreading their influence unduly to me. Anyone else?