Offical Astral Projection Experience and Tip Thread

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by wolfman1194, May 26, 2011.

  1. Welcome!

    This thread is dedicated to the many experiences of Astral Projection. If you have the ability to Project tell us your experiences. Me personally have been trying to Project for a couple of months with no success, so if you have any tips
    please share.

    Happy Travels!
  2. try to let go more and expand your awareness. dont think about it, just do it ;) easier said than done but still not impossible :D sense things. also, in order to be able to do anything on the astral, you first have to be able to perceive it.
  3. Astral projection is a type of out-of-body mediation right? How exactly would you go about doing something like that?

    I've been mediating in a way most of my life without even knowing it. Since a child I've always been able to focus on one thought, like my breath, until eventually my mind would transcend that thought and I'd be in a state of pure relaxation. It wasn't until highschool I realized what I was actually doing the whole time.
  4. lol i do it to check my grow op all the time... that really helped me get better at it...
  5. #5 SmoothCriminal, May 27, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
    I'm pretty sure there have been several Official AP threads.
  6. Well "Smooth Criminal" you can go suck the dick of the other official AP threads and get the hell out of here!!

  7. you're separating your consciousness from your body when you astral project. in order to astral project without any assistance, you'd have to reach a constant state of nirvana, aka the fifth circuit if anyone knows about the 8 circuits :) thats when you'll be able to do this. however, if you're not in the 5th circuit at least, you'll end up most likely going into your own mindspace and end up thinking it was astral.

  8. That wasn't really appropriate. There's a large amount of good information on AP and OBE's in this sub-forum and I was suggesting that you check them out.

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