
Discussion in 'General' started by anarkin, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. The past couple days I've heard an ad for these pills called Obay, I forget word for word what it says but the premises is parents calling in about how their kids are thinking for themselves, each parent is told to buy Obay pills and give them to their child so they never disobey.

    I thought it was just some joke on the radio station, but today I went out with a buddy and saw a billboard and a bus done up with Obay advertisements.

    Has anyone else heard about it?

    I found a picture of one of the advertisments

    From what I can find this seems to be a local (Ontario) thing.
  2. http://greatdanemag.wordpress.com/2008/02/17/obayfrom-the-makers-of-whybecauseisaidso/

    Thats the only thing I found on it
  3. Isn't there a generic version coming out called "otay"(Buckwheat):D?
  4. This reeks of SHENANIGANS.
  5. This reeks of what the fuck.
  6. i'll double the reeking of shenanigans.
  7. If that is true, then your declaration of Shenanigans is just. What do you have to say, carnival operator?
    *looks over to an empty part of the room*
  8. I somehow got oddly excited....I mean it seemed like something like, a OTC adhd med....but that would never happen tho...haha

    here call 1-800-YOU-OBAY
  9. thats mad funnny

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