Obama to give Muslim Brotherhood Jets and tanks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rimfirematt, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Those who voted for obama (not a majority on this website, btw) seem to lack empathy. Or they are just completely ignorant.

  2. You coulda fooled me up until after his re-election, bud.
  3. I truly believe the only people who voted for him wanted a free ride. The rest were just sheeple. Then again, the other guy was no better. Seems not voting is the most American thing to do since none of the candidates represented the people.
  4. Seriously?

    You know Egypt already HAS 200 F 16's and a pile of matching Abram tanks, and a PILE of other US hardware.
    We have been arming them for decades.

    and as for the increase taxes and dictatorship, bla bla,
    I guess that just goes hand in hand with the rest of your off kilter prospective of the world.

    Have a hit, chill out.
  5. Who cares that the US has a history of arming Egypt? Bad traditions shouldn't be continued.
  6. Our history of arming such countries is a big part to blame of why we are in such financial trouble right now! The most shocking part of this is just that the complete debt mess we are in, yet our leadership still sends out billions of dollars we dont have!
  7. Ya and Fox News is going to sway it in a negative way too. It's happened during the Bush administration and has been going on since Reagan.

  8. How can it not be negative that we continue to Finance other countries militaries while we cut our military budget, while we face increased taxes, while our debt continues to rack up?

    just because its been going on for decades doesnt mean its right or that it needs to continue. I dont see how sending egypt an f-16 on my dime helps out my personal situation or my countries situation
  9. The people did not vote for Obama.. and clearly lost control of their own government.
  10. The people have willfully let go of control of their government.

    Voter turnout was just over 50% and just over 50% of people voted for Obama.

    So roughly 25% of the nation voted the president in. This isn't governments fault, this is entirely our fault and the people should be ashamed of themselves.
  11. We are only increasing taxes for people making over $400,000 per year. We need to cut our military budget because it's ridiculously bloated and the military says they don't need or want as much funding as they're getting. And we are continuing selling them weapons to make more money and increase US manufacturing to create jobs. And we have by far the most advanced military in the world, we'll be fine. You honestly have to stop reading Fox News and look at the facts.
  12. Oh yeah? Then why did my taxes just go back up? Yeah, I know, The Bush cuts expired. So how about when Hussain said that he would not raise taxes on the middle class? Oh, It wasnt a lie because he didnt raise taxes, just let them go back up by them selves. So this time hes just a cheat instead of a liar again. At any rate, I dont care how long we have been giving aid to these muslims. Obama had the chance and the patriotic duty to shut that shit down and he didnt. He just took the grease and let it slide. stastus quo making him a piece of shit that dragged us down farther as a nation.
  13. Taxes have gone up on everybody over the last four years. However, he extended the bush tax cuts for everyone making under $400,000 a year and let them expire for everyone making over $400,000 a year. So what you're saying is factually incorrect.
  14. Ok, then please explain to me why the federal government took more of my paycheck at the start of the year and my take home is smaller than every other week. Yes, It said federal withholding.
  15. Go ahead. They're too fucking stupid to know how to use them anyways. Israel keeps proving that, time and again.
  16. The GOP refused to extend the 2% SS holiday, during the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.

    That is why you are seeing an increase in your Fed deductions.

    So in other words, you have no idea how the world works.

    Aid buys influence.
  17. If that motherfucker can even think about issuing an executive order to ban guns then he can sure as shit issue one to help the people even a little on tax slavery. As far as aid buying influence, America has no fucking business buying influence or doing anything else internationally at this point when we cant even pay the fucking electric bill!
  18. #19 CrunkJuice2, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2013
    if anything thank the fact that democrats and republicans in the house and senate couldnt get there shit together and would of rather argued back and forth for the 2% SS holiday or whatever

    but of course.idiots who dont know anything will blame obama,like usual

  19. Surprisingly enough, you're both actually wrong.

    Obama Tax Cut Deal More Expensive Than Stimulus: CBO


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