Yes, an alex jones video, but he seems in a decent state of mind.. Posted 5 days ago. Shit is hitting the fan. Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup! - YouTube!
What do you think will happen? I personally think there is no way anyone will go through with this, people will yell bloody murder if people try and take away their guns, i don't see any of this ending well. Unless he is using martial law to arrest the hundreds of thousands of people involved with monetary fraud with the fed. Or i'm naive. Weird stuff man, weird stuff.
The 2nd amendmant simply won't be taken away. they know it would mean a civil war and that's the last thing they need.
Have you even paid attention to the news lately? The shooting of the kid in florida is the exact thing Obama needs to start stripping away gun rights. I GUARANTEE they are going to kill the Stand Your Ground laws at the very least. That WILL get passed. I don't think it will stop with that though, I think they're going to go after concealed carry laws nation wide, it seems like a very logical attack for Obama to make, to get his supporters hyped. I'm hoping this one meets resistance, MAJOR resistance from the GOP, even the neocons, in the house, but I just dont know if it will I have a feeling the neocon puppet masters will tell them all to go through with repealing that, and that will make waves, think of all the gun totin rednecks that will be pissed when the Feds try to tell them they can't CCW anymore? They will be the only ones putting up a big stink, the left will accept it happily, some of the gun clubs will openly defy the federal ban (sounds like an oxymoron I know, I'm thinking they'll be on news and such bragging about "I dare the Feds to try and search me"). Well hear news stories about shoot outs quite frequently, some will be taken alive, and guess what, thats all Obama needs to enact his dictatorship, and start using the indefinite detention rules of the NDAA. We're genuinely fucked GC, it's been nice knowing you all, hope we can meet again sometime either behind bars or underground hiding from the drones and surveillance shit out there.
[quote name='"FluffyBud"'] What do you think will happen? I personally think there is no way anyone will go through with this, people will yell bloody murder if people try and take away their guns, i don't see any of this ending well. Unless he is using martial law to arrest the hundreds of thousands of people involved with monetary fraud with the fed. Or i'm naive. Weird stuff man, weird stuff.[/quote] Theu did the same thing durrink hurticane katrina martial law was there and they took everyones guns
I couldn't make it past 30 seconds of Jones' verbal diarrhea. Can anyone give me a summary if what he is saying?
Please don't site Jones. There are many others that spread this type of 'proganda' if you will. None of that matters anyway... It is what it is, and we shall all have to wait and see. No use arguing about the future.
Hell no, I think we should do something! Arm yourselves to the hilt! It will come down to kill or be killed. I just don't think we have a chance against our urban trained forces. It sux to say I know. Or our neighbors for that matter. Who has the biggest gun and the most ammo, the most strategic location, etc. We have the constitutional right to take issue with our government. And when we do so, as in the Occupy Wall St. movement, we are met with brute force. When the people have no food, (which will only take three days to empty our supermarkets) all hell is going to break loose. The gov is prepared for this. They know the sheeples mindset. After all they are the ones that have watched us, know our habits and about a million pieces of information about each one of us. I can't bug out at a moments notice. And I can't afford to go underground. Where do you go? I have a family of five and have been stocking up on food etc. If soldiers comes up my street with an RPG, I don't think I'd stand a chance. If we fire at them, they will most assuredly fire back. Revolution in the US' time has come and gone. The outcome remains to be seen.
All i can say is Karma, i think the people will come out on top this year. There is just no was this can go through. I heard once that if there was ever documentation of a soldier killing an innocent american civilian, even if they had a gun in their hands, shit would hit the fan and the people would immediately fire upon who ever was doing this arresting. What's the point of this martial law anyway? Does the government know of a big event that is about to happen? Is this to arrest the global criminal cabal or is it to arrest those that oppose the government? or aren't they the same thing... I still don't know quite what to think of it, it just seems to evil to be true.
^ I suspect that's exactly how the Germans felt But we're the United States, we're too smart to fall victim to something like this! ...... if only....