Obama Calls the War on Drugs A "Failure"

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by insertswearqord, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. #1 insertswearqord, Mar 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2013
    'The president considers the four-decade-long crackdown to be a "failure."'

    Kind of old news, but regardless, Discuss.

    Obama has proven himself to be very anti pot at times, shutting down legal state dispensaries. I don't really have an opinion on Obama's presidency being from Canada, but I have an opinion on legalization of Marijuana yo.

    I think with more state legalization, voter groups, Marijuana Political parties, and less support of the war on drugs, we could see a great leap forward towards legalization when Obama changes his mind, or leaves the office.

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  2. obama calls capitalism a failure.
  3. Capitalism is a failure....
    Not that I can point to any other existing -ism that necessarily does it better...
  4. capitalism might be a dirty private whore but thats why we love her... she's private... just how i like my property

  5. Agreed.
  6. Why is he now just realizing this?
  7. What kills me is he campaigned on leaving states alone with their medical, yet how many raids has there been? DEA is an executive agency, he could have stopped them.

  8. Yeah, that's what the OP said.......he also asked for discussion.

    Obama knows the rules....he doesn't want to end up like JFK....imo
  9. obama needs to man the hell up and stop being a republican
  10. I hear fascism is making a comeback!
  11. Oh...no Youtube videos from prior to his first term when he was saying the same thing?
    I see full out riots before Obama calls off the war on drugs. Seriously.
    He's in perpetual "campaign mode" just spewing whatever it takes for people to think he's on someone's side. It works so well in election years, they figured keep up the practice year-round between elections.

    "Rule by Media." -Chavez
  12. I think this was from Obama the campaigner.
    He's full steam ahead with the drug war since election and re election. (unless it's pharmaceutical drugs.. those make money for his friends.. so they are ok.)
  13. In my opinion, so has every president in my lifetime. And in their second term, they'll be working to get the next guy from their party elected.
  14. I see Jeb Bush is "contemplating" a run in 2016. :rolleyes:

    There, I would tend to disagree with you. They do frame the elections as to insure the next person they want is in office, but its often better if that's the other party so you can blame the other party for everything and create whatever political gridlock you need to.
    We keep seeing candidates from the same power families now. Barack got his gig as no one wanted Hilary/Bill again, but they got them anyway, didn't they? :rolleyes: Barry is a good puppet.
  15. Or he could start acting like a real republican. You know, respect state rights and stop giving central government so much power. But then both parties would eat him alive.
  16. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

  17. It actually isnt. You only think that because you think we have capitalism but we are the farthest thing from it.
  18. I think the money running this country put Biden as his VP for a reason,,Biden ws on the committee that wrote the ONDCP Re-authorization Act,,just in case Obama even acted like he was going to end prohibition of marijuana.:smoking:

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