Obama advertises on marijuana legalization’s top website

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Kogged, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. I'm a little disappointed with NORML for sponsoring his ads, tbo. :mad:
  2. Hes just trying to get re-elected cause he has no chance without siding with marijuana -____- God damnit Obama, no one is going to re-elect you so just quit.
  3. I dunno. To be honest, I didn't vote for Obama (I voted Green Party that year), and I thought he was a tool, another dem who took gay votes and money while making a lot of promises to the community that it looked like he was just ignoring.

    And then all of a sudden, DADT and the DOMA are suddenly being ripped apart by his office. So I'm willing to give him a chance, I think. Still thinking about voting Ron Paul, but I wouldn't be to unhappy if Obama was my only choice.
  4. Second term he's gonna straight up advocate legalization... Betya. It's a popular social issue thanks to people like us.
  5. what a load of horse shit..he doesn't support us at all..why try to act like he does
  6. And after he's re-elected he'll put the issue on the back burner and never mention it again while he continues having the DEA crack down on MMJ Dispenseries.
  7. Fuck Obama, some ad like this is just to get more votes.
  8. So, what is it like being an Obamabot?

  9. Yeh this, he uses medical marijuana and all the smokers to get in and then he does what he did you know sue countrys if they try to legalize it :mad:
  10. Ron Paul and/or Gary Johnson are miles ahead of Obama in my book when it comes to candidates willing to do what they say in terms of decriminalization.

  11. Are you THAT blind?

  12. Every 5 min, it seems like, somebody out there goes "does Norml really want legalization, or does Norml want to perpetuate Norml":confused:
  13. Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. Fuck me. :confused::eek:
  14. Don't vote for this guy because he "seems" like the better option. In my opinion he's worse than Bush for the fact that at least Bush said he was going to raid MMJ Dispensaries. This snake says one thing and then does the other in regards to MMJ. That's the most dangerous kind of politician, oh and everyone forgets he still hasn't gotten congressional approval for "his" war in Lebanon. This dude is bad news...

  15. He has my vote if he does.
  16. #37 ProvidencePlant, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2011
    It's pretty sad that there are so many single issue voters; it's going to lead to the demise of America.
  17. It absolutely will; btw, are you from providence?

  18. Yea, until he gets re-elected. Then the issue will be dropped on his end

  19. Yes sir! I forgot to put sad in that last post lol...

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