
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by berend8, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. #1 berend8, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2015
    I'm doing an outdoor grow with feminized autogrow seeds.
    I've got three questions today:

    I've never grown before so to make things easier, I made myself a checklist. Can you guys let me know what you think of the checklist (does it miss things or contain wrong things?)
    1. Put seed in small pot with starting soil and cover it with a foil\t
    2. Wait for it to "hatch", then remove foil\t
    3. After 2-3 weeks, put in normal 6pH soil\t
    4. Don't add too much water\t
    5. Add nutrition after moving the plant to the 6pH soil
    Any tips, additions or corrections??
    Do I need to do steps 1 and 2 outside or inside my house?
    Is nutrition required or just an improvement to the grow?
    And is it required to buy special weed growing soil or can I just use regular garden soil from local stores?
    Thanks a bunch in advance! I'm sick of paying 8EUR per gram so I hope this works out [​IMG]

    - Berend

  2. No foil. Either start the seeds in a wet paper towel just for a day or two until you see a tiny root start emerge, or start the seeds straight in a small pot of soil and keep moist. Then the plant is about 1 foot tall you can begin feeding lightly.
    Okay, say I put the seeds in a small pot of soil, can I keep the pot inside my house or do I need to place it in my yard?
  4. #4 TiPWiLL, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2015
    You can keep them inside for that part. Until they get true leaves I would not put them up against the bare sun.
  5. Keep it inside under a couple CFLs, then once it is nice and established you can take her outside. Nutes all depend on what your doing, if you don't want to deal with 50 dollar bottles of gimics go read up on the organic forum. Building a good soil is easy after some good hard research. It's also a hell of a lot cheaper and you can reuse your soil.
  6. Right so just get pH6 soil and add nutes myself. Are the nutes required or just an improving factor?
  7. They need nutrition to grow. If you can find or make fertile enough soil you won't need bottled nutes. If you do want to go ahead and use bottled nutes I started off with the bio bizz line and it worked well.
  8. #8 The_Real_OG_Kush, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2015
    Cheap Soil
    Pros: Cost, Availability, no pest, less watering maintenance.
    Cons: Dead, PH unregulated, compact, poor drainage, PH off for cannabis. poor yield.
    Good Soil(FFOF)
    Pros: Alive, PH ready for cannabis, Hot nutrients for vigor, last up to 10 weeks, Promotes healthy roots, good aeration & drainage, Ph regulated(No longer ph water for feeding), added bonus organisms to help feed roots(symbiotic relationship).
    Cons: Not always stocked, expensive, may contain bugs or pest. May be hot for some seedling(Rare).
  9. As a first time grower i recommend starting with expensive soil through out the grow so you can gauge organic nutrient uptake. Top dress with guanos or fish emulsions during the begging or flower to see how nitrogen reacts with your soil, roots and plant.
    During mid flower top dress and underfeed with new expensive soil. Always water with the tap unless you have all the stuff filtered water stripes out.
  10. Not even talking about cheap soil, talking about mixing good soil. Soil that unlike ffof wouldn't need added nutrients. Depending on where you live there might be a bagged soil good enough. Or is a great starting place.

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