Nutrients - Start to finish

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by greenblood1122, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. I have bcuzz nutrients.

    I have an (A) 4-0-4 and (B) 0-4-6

    I am curious what nutrients to use based on phase. I am familiar with the nutrient numbers. I am looking for a nutrient number time-line based on the following phases. I am not looking for exact numbers, but decent approximations.

    seed/root - grow/veg - pre-bloom - blooming

    I see multiple nutrient combinations on the bottle, i.e. (add root stimulator at this phase, add growth and bloom stimulator at this phase) but I want professional opinions. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Check their website, they might have a schedule all laid out.

    I'm not wild about that A having no P in it, but that would be their vegging fert, use it from start until you flip to 12/12. Don't feed for first 2 weeks after it pops the soil, then start it at 1/4 strength or less and slowly build up from there.

    Other fert use from first feeding into 12/12 until 2 weeks before harvest.
  3. I guess I should have prefaced with these are to be combined says guidelines. Also, when I plant after germination, what should I do with the soil immediately after it sprouts from poping the soil? Wet it first? Leave it dry? Did not see this answer anywhere
  4. A general rule of thumb is higher amounts of N for vegging, and higher P for flowering.

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