Nutes for budding?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mardanlin, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. Right now I just switched from my AeroGarden Veg Nutes to the Fruiting Nutes. Do you know anything about these? Which nutes would you suggest for flowering? And how much should I add? Because these are prepackaged and stuff.
  2. i would guess that those 'fruiting' nutes would be their equivelent to bloom/flower nutes dont know how good they would be though, do they have any N.P.K ratio on the pack? your looking for something with a lower N than the P.k numbers
  3. No, they don't tell what's in them. I just know they're for Tomatoes/Peppers and I have some for Herbs, I've been using the Herb ones, but would Tomatoes be better for flowering?
  4. I would just buy a bottle of Tiger Bloom by Foxfarms ($12). At least then you would know you were getting the essential trace minerals as well.

  5. Could you show me where you're getting it for $12? The cheapest I can find is $25+ when you include shipping.
  6. Get the Fox Farms Trio pack it is the best stuff you can get. Look it up 45 bux for 3 bottles. :hello::hello::wave::wave:
  7. I go to my local indoor growing shop and pay cash to avoid any type of paper trail. I really do think Californians like me are spoiled with options we have. Where I live, there are 2 grow stores within one block of each other; and it's easy to get a great discount from one, just going back and forth and say "Well, the other place will sell it to me for __."

    Honestly, I bought Grow Big by Foxfarms for vegging at the same time so it could have been that price. I for sure do know that between Tiger Bloom and Grow Big; one was $12 and one was $17 at my local shop. There's a lot of good bloom boosters out there, Foxfarms from my research and personal experience has the best reputation though. Both the potting soil and liquid foods have a PH neutralizer which I particularly like.

    Good Luck homie!!:wave::smoking:
  8. what can a guy do thats not near any grow shops, and scared to leave a trail...not that i need any nutes for anything, but hypotheticaly, anything at walmart home depot garden section that would be ok for flowering, even if it would mean you need multiple solutions to effectively feed

  9. If your so scared to buy nutes or lights or anything over the net,. You shouldnt be growing period. that is so dumb how ever i heard. You must be little boys trying to have fun. LOL
  10. I'm 1 1/2 week into a 12/12 cycle to start flowering my plants.  I am growing hydro power grower and GH three stage nutes- micro, grow and bloom.  I keep seeing ads for bloom busters nutes that are supposed to increase your buds by 50%.  I think some of them are mostly carbs.  I've got Humbolt flush for the last two weeks.  Do they need these additional additives for blooming?
    Thanks in advance
    This is still good advice..I buy the fox farms trio on amazon for right under $50 shipped..can't really beat that anywhere

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