Number one worst feeling ever..

Discussion in 'General' started by Jeffersong808, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Experiencing death and then wake up in pitch black darkness..
    "Is this it?! Wtf. NOOO!"

    #endtheory #iwannagotoheaven
  2. No. The number 1 worst feeling ever is hitting the New Posts button and seeing a Jeffersong808 thread in the top spot.
  3. 1st world problems..
  4. Clicking this thread and seeing how brutal it is.
  5. Being up for days at a time.

    Somehow your body is exhausted,but your mind is still going,while it slowly slips into insanity with each tick of the clock.

    Crazy shit!
  6. i've experienced that one too many times..
  7. Heh,yeah I'm there right now.

    The worst part is being bored,cause I don't have the energy to go out and do anything,yet there isn't much to do at home,other than the internetz.
  8. wasting your own life, I'd say.
  9. This.
  10. Yo man you need some WBP :) #weedbeerpussy
  11. Bad trips. Always.
  12. Hahaha. Buuuurn.
  13. Losing someone/something you love.
  14. Worst feeling ever?

    Pull out a seatbelt, put it in your teeth, and let it pull back into the car.

    That is all.
  15. When you shit yourself in a public place and there's no quick exit.
  16. Welp. Thats unfortunate...
  17. Why do you keep using a hash tag? This isn't Instagram.
  18. Cancer.

  19. Letting the person you love down....well disappointment in general.
  20. Seeing that jeffersong isnt banned yet

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