Number of partners in the past

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by -DRoidR"KB602, Nov 26, 2009.

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  1. My girlfriend had been with 4 guys too, was not really a biggie for me. They were all boyfriends, over 6 month relationships.

    I used to be a real slut so i can't really complain anyway even if it did bother me.

    I stopped counting after the tenth girl i slept with, but its definitely not above 20.
  2. Having the kindof relationship where u sleep together 4 to 5 times a day is the best... i just had an amazing sexcapade last night with my bf..

    And.. i don't think the girl has slept with to many guys.. it could be alot worse.. and 4 is definitley safe i think.

    I agree u shouldnt judge by number unless its super outrageous.. even then don't necasarily judge.. idk. every girl is diffewrnt and every girl reaches out to men in differnt ways..

    Sex is good and if ur using protection being with the same guy then i don't thihnk its a problem.. we live and we learn..

    I know ive learned alot of lessons through my times of being with differnt people.. i can honestly say ive never been with two guys in one day or even one week.. and i have cared about everyone of them and i was looking for somthing more.. for whatever reasons ive been with the differnt guys i thinbk ive learned somthing from all of them.. im still happy and in no way do i think im a sleeze.. Ive never had an STD or anything

    I understand that u r mad for those guys taking advantage of her.. but is that what she says?? or what u think?? and don't say shes easy but you don't know that for sure?? or do u?? idk.. just think it could be worse.. and if u really actually care about her then this needs to be put behind u and u should focus on a happy healthy relationship :D
  3. [quote name=',DRoidR"KB602']Well it was her dad asked me right when we were all smokin a bowl at her house, he asked both of us.

    Anyone wanna chime in with their thoughts to my direct question?

    Thanks for the reply fellow PHX Blade.:smoke:[/quote]

    Wasn't that uncomfortable? I can't imagine talking to my boyfriend's dad about that. But we also don't blaze together haha. But back to the topic of this post, I think four is kind of a lot for someone who is 17. However, I am a little biased because I've only been with my boyfriend and I'm 18.
  4. closing in on 30...

    really 4 isn't a lot... my usual fuck buddy is 20 and she's somewhere in the range of 40-50, another was 17 with me as her 5th
  5. Once again, thanks for the replies!!

    So I've decided to just forget about it cause 4 isnt too many, and shes 100% loyal.

    We made wonderful make up love all night last night and then I ate her out and fucked her doggystyle in the shower... holy fuck was soe good,

    Now im chillin on some 30 mg percocets danky buds and a couple brews.

    Keep tokin everyone!!:smoking:
  6. ok... sleeping with 40-50 people by the time you're 20 is BAD. Seriously? I'm almost 30 and I've slept with 40-50 people and that's a lot even for someone my age.

    Hope you got yourself tested. you gotta if you or anyone you're sleeping with has had that many partners.
  7. I'm just turned 22 and i'm sure it's more than 35 for me. I'm not bragging about that, it just dawned on me that maybe i'm a whore. Is that the case? it really doesn't feel like alot. I get laid less than half my friends.
  8. #28 Lionel Hutz, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2009
    I don't know about that. Just because it's sensitive material - I don't think we should pretend that the number doesn't mean anything. For example, if the number is 0 for one person and 20+ for the other person in the relationships - there is going to be a barrier that needs to be dealt with.

    Also, I hate to be brutally honest but If the number is really really high - I probably wouldn't want to be in a relationship with that person. That's why whenever I meet someone, I'd prefer not to know the number. It's the best strategy to get by in the beginning - however If the relationship is really serious than at some point they should have some honest intimacy with each other and ALL aspects of their past.

    That's because the people who get laid the most are usually the ones who have a permanent relationship or marriage that is flourishing. If those people start the relationship early - they will have a smaller number then their single friends who will have way more random hookups. But in the long run the relationship people are more sexually active.
  9. The number means absolutely nothing if the person is healthy and has no diseases.

    I'd rather sleep with someone with a higher number, because chances are, they're an animal in the sack.

    but that's just me.
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