number 2 laptop

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Sir.Smokesalot, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. i was wondering, am I the only one who brings their laptops with them when they take a shit, or does it look kinda queer?
  2. i do some times, but i find that there is no where to put it when i wipe my ass.
  3. i cant shit unless im reading the virtual news paper.
  4. When I had a laptop, I did it all the time. To be honest, it's really one of the best reasons to own a laptop. ;)
  5. i don't have time to read on the can. i sit down, do my business quick, and the rest (majority) of the time i'm wiping clean.
  6. music FTW, or i just angle my TV so i can watch it while i shit.
  7. No way, I am too afraid of dropping it or pissing on it by some freak accident

    I'm old-school, I still read magazines
  8. I can take a 30 minute shit sometimes, so yeah the laptop will be with me. Not to mention... porn in bed.
  9. What's with people who sit on the toilet for extended periods?

    Isn't the poo just drying and caking to your ass while you read?
  10. elaborate please.

  11. Like my dad, he sits on the toilet reading the newspaper sometimes for 30 minutes.

    I'm assuming that he's not continually dropping out fresh deuces every couple minutes, but rather just dropped his load and is reading while his stained ass dries.

    People aren't pooping for 30 minutes are they? My poop comes out in like 10 seconds :confused:

    Wouldn't you rather wipe when its fresh?

  12. I've never seen anyone take a laptop into the can with them, if I did I'd assume they were going to look at porn
  13. haha, i just wanted to hear that. i'm not sure what the 30-minute shitters do, but i always thought it was because they were sitting there waiting for it to come out. if someone uses a laptop to browse while their dingleberries dry on their asshair, that's just gross.
  14. lol ive seen people bring do that
    i personally dont bring the laptop i just flick on the tv to espn, been on the same channel for years now, i probably changed the channel to my bathroom tv 5 times in total of 5 years
  15. ... you have a bathroom tv?

  16. haha yeah, i didnt say i got a 53 inch lcd in there, i got a little 17 inch that does the trick just right

  17. haha that's legit as fuck dude

    you got cable hookups in your bathroom?
  18. i just stick with a nice ciggy to loosen up the bowels :p
  19. i dont have like movie channels or anything, just the basic shit, you know vh1, usa, espn, mtv, fox, all that stuff
  20. I will bring in my laptop if it feels like it's going to take awhile. Sometimes I am wrong and don't use it, but if you start and realize you are in for a long haul, it sucks to have nothing to do. I keep an extra 24 pack of TP next to the toilet to use as a desk. It seems fine to me, because I never actually touch the computer when my hands are dirty...

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