Nsa Whistleblower

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Cruizer, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Fuck it. ya know? If shit hits the fan then I'll start shooting.. or move to australia. But until then i'm gonna keep chillin 

  2. I watched CNN a good deal tonight and yeah, for the most part they tore him a new one.  They tried to play both sides and did a good enough job of it but they also did a great job of showing how people can be such fucking tools
  3. Those damn Aussie drug laws are just ridiculous tho
  4. I'm in Perth and the drug laws really ain't so bad.  If I get caught with a few grams of weed on me I just have to attend a "Drugs are bad mmmmkay" meeting and that's it.   Might be different over East though I dunno.
  5. I've just heard some ridic stories of people getting raided and shit..I suppose its not much worse than it is here in the good ol' states
  6. All the google links in here 502'd.
    Big brother is watching...
  7. Yeah it might be a lot different over East, but never heard of anyone getting raided here including one of my dealer friends.  There is however a open house that just sells weed to whoever goes to their front door which ends up being a good 50 people a day haha they've been raided a few times in the last 7 years but they've never been caught somehow, I dunno how I asked them but they wouldn't tell me, one of lifes great mysteries.
  8. I know some guy that was raided.  He grew some great psychedelic unmentionables but as far as I know never really sold them.  Such bs..
  9. Yeah that sucks, I hate raids.  Everytime I hear about a huge amount of marijuana being seized around here on the news I'm just like nooooooo and break down in to tears.
  10. Personally in my town, according to the cops the grow ops have become so bad they've unleashed the "Green Team", they drive around with this fuckin retarded van all painted green in neighborhoods just fucking ravaged by unmentionables, its borderline retarded, people have no problem with cr*** and me** houses fucking exploding but a grow op, OH NO!!
  11. "Another marijuana grow-op busted by the green team"  What a bunch of cunts. 
  12. I generally assume i could be tracked in many ways, but i dont think i am really worth their time. I say could be tracked because i assume they have access to pretty much everything. Cellphone, debit card useage, email, web, mail etc. If it came to the point where any true patriot was an enemy, then im sure im flagged. Voting for chuck baldwin and gary johnson, searching topics that might trigger a flag. I dont feel paranoid, just aware.
  13. I generally assume i could be tracked in many ways, but i dont think i am really worth their time. I say could be tracked because i assume they have access to pretty much everything. Cellphone, debit card useage, email, web, mail etc. If it came to the point where any true patriot was an enemy, then im sure im flagged. Voting for chuck baldwin and gary johnson, searching topics that might trigger a flag. I dont feel paranoid, just aware.
  14. They probably just pay the cops off. Happens more often than you would think. 
  15. Hmm possible, surprising that they've been doing that for 7 years though maybe even longer.  But I can't think of any other explanation other than like a secret tunnel or some shit haha so you're probably right.

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