Nothing Matters?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by duperdutch, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. I'm up really late and I started thinking about life again. Unfortunately, no mary jane tonight. :(

    Anyone else feel that life doesn't matter? The decisions and things that impact you in your life only last up until your dead, so why does anything matter in the first place? I always worry about things, what others think of me, how I'm gonna solve this and that, etc. For the time being I acknowledge these feelings, but what about after I die? When I die, I won't exist anymore and won't have anything... no emotions, no nothing. I won't feel embarrassed after I die so hell with it if I do embarrassing things now. I'll just have to live with that embarrassment until I die. Ultimately, nothing matters anyway because in the end you die no matter what.

    I guess things do matter because it determines what your life will be as you still exist. I could live a good life, do well in school, get a good job and make tons of money opposed to being a failure and not enjoying life in any way at all. Is that all life is? You just make decisions to dictate how you and others feel and live until you die? It all seems so mysterious, as if we're all part of something greater than life.

    I don't hate my life but I'm kind of excited to die, just to see what will happen. Most likely nothing but you never know. :D :wave:
  2. These are similar to the thoughts I have. And it's why I feel you should just say fuck everything else, and live for yourself ya know? I grew up trying to be a good kid so I'd get good karma, but fuck all that. I say live how you want even if it's bad. Because I mean really, we're on a giant fucking rock. Why do we have to answer to people? Why is there others that control us? We get controlled for 80 some years, but then it doesn't matter. Kinda why I have my fuck the government attitude.
  3. OP, I understand what you are saying.
    It is hard to grasp the consequences of your actions if you view life as a singular experience. Do you think that life ends at death? Or that there was nothing before the life you live right now?
    People feel that they have a purpose, or believe their actions will relfect well on them in the future because they believe that their current life is only a stage. Obviously, this is not always the case.
    For example, people who believe in karma think that by doing well in their current life, their next life will be in a better form, or in better luck. Philosophers in the east often thought that by attaining supreme understanding, their next life would cease to be. They would be granted permission into a state of nothingness, where everything is transient. The goal of many students was to escape the cycle of death and rebirth known as reincarnation.
    Humans can be reborn as animals, ghosts, tortured beings, demigods or Gods, all depending on how their previous life was lived. It is much more difficult to live a virtuous life as an insect or animal than it is as a man, and even less difficult as a demigod.
    When you attain enlightenment, you are told to stomp on the heads of the Buddhas.
    What of that's do you think?
    lol =]
  4. here is my lil theory... ther r other ppl here and they kno things we dont, like the meaning of life amd what we shud be doing. but they hid that frum us and told us lies amd now wer all lead to believ that "living your life" is what we shud be doing.
  5. i feel you. and if you want to know, no it doesnt really matter. but it can matter to you.

    the way I see it, life is meaningless but its up to us to individually make it matter.
    life has no meaning but you can add meaning to it you dig niggga?
  6. Life is only what you make of it.

    I say pursue happiness, but keep in mind that you have no right to infringe on the happiness of others. Helping other people can also be a source of happiness in itself.
  7. Yes, you must pursue your OWN happiness, and you must not try and make others unhappy, especially by means of physical force or violence, which directly infringes on the man's right to life. Doing so prevents you from being Man in his true essence - you will be a brute.

    I agree that while helping others can be a source of happiness, you must not sacrifice your own happiness and virtues for the sake of others, especially if you get shit on for helping or you are not appreciated, or if you have no reasonable gains to be made from helping that person/people. It's time that more people started to act selfishly, instead of selflessly, because it's a major problem related to the decline of the free, rational, reasonable human mind. And no, being "selfish" is not what most think it to be. It is to act in one's own interests, but not at the expense of the interests of others, contrary to how people in North America view the definition of being "selfish".

    At least consider my advice that I left you in your rep, OP.
  8. Yes nothing matters once you die. But the decisions you make DO MATTER in the context of your life. Unless you absoulutely don't care what happens, which would mean you would not feed yourself when hungry cause if you did you would obviously care, then decisions do matter and whats happening does matter because it will affect your experience.
  9. Without the threat of death, there's no reason to live at all.
  10. When you consider the vastness of the univwerse and the true meaning of eternity then no, nothing matters. Our lives are merely the blink of the cosmic eye.

    But these blinks shape the future. What we do here and now echoes throughout eternity and shapes what happens to future generations. Your actions on this tiny spit of sand on this small rock hurtling around a ball of gas may seem insignificant, but remeber causality. Cause and effect. Every action as a consequence. Like the butterfly that causes a hurricane what you do or do not do WILL affect the shape of the world. Can you climb ladders and earn lots of money? Sure, but what does that really do, what kind of effect will these actions have? What value is there in rising trhough corporate ranks? Do what is right by you, don't harm anyone and try to see the good in people. This will have a greater effect than you'll realize.

    Our lives may well be utterfly insignificant, but they are anything but irrelevant.
  11. life in this current state of exsistince is what you make it, and there is
    strength in what you say ,life at this point may seem bleak but it is
    up to you to change it, mold it, and glorify it with whatever you think
    is important.
  12. Because your decisions will still be affecting other people long after you're dead. You don't have to be a solipsist just because there's no afterlife.

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