Nothing after day 2

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mahoney5693, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. he guys i was just wondering when my plants were acually going to pop up from the soil.Its been 2 days and today starts day three...does it usually take this long?
  2. That depends on how deep you buried it, also did you sprout the seed outside of soil before you put it in?
  3. yeah..alright so i guess i just have to wait it out...thanks!!!!:wave:
  4. No problem bro...keep updated. I'm barely on the first month of my first grow. So I'm still learning as I go. Actually it's my second, but my first was disappointing so I don't count it. LOL
  5. What is the longest that you think this could take? around 1 week until I see something? or by then is it very doubtful that it will sprout?
  6. Could take upto a week yes, normally 3/4 days and you should start to see a sprout. How deep have you planted the seeds?

  7. what a relief!!!!!!:rolleyes: I planted them a little less than 1 inch deep
  8. Perfect!! just sit back relax, roll a fat headed wuggie and watch this space. Keep us posted mate :)
  9. will do thanks for the help!

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