not what i expected at all

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by time4trevor, May 26, 2009.

  1. mushrooms is portrayed as some huge trip thats suppose to be dream like, or thats what i always thought.

    i just ate about 4.5grams of shrooms over the time of 5 hours.

    and im sweating like a mother fucker.

    everything entertains me

    the writing on this is hella small

    everythings always moving but nothings different

    ive gone for a walk

    im thinkin i should smoke more weed

    yeah.. im gonna do that. ill be back in ten if u guys wanna chat :)

    its 3 am where im at
  2. i'll be up for awhile. i hope you enjoy your walk :smoking:
  3. you're waiting for it to come up?
  4. ive always seen shrooms as a reality altering (waving around and stuff) rather than a hallucinagine which is, to me, when stuff apears that isnt really there
  5. Damn all that sounds like how it was for me on DMT. all bubbly happy thinking about how good life and the world in general is. I really need to try shrooms. Its like I skipped pot and jumped right to herion in the world of psycdeldics haha. My frist hallusengen(sp?) was dmt aha.
  6. your shrooms to be honest must not have been to great..

    or you would be tripppin
  7. everythings always moving but nothings different

    What do you mean by that? With shrooms surfaces will shimmer and bubble, or go bigger/smaller. Not sure what you expect to be different. Also you should have prolly eaten them all at once. And if you truly ate 4.5g of shrooms and had the urge to go on a computer, I doubt they were good. (No offence)
  8. i did see things out of the corner of my eyes, like i swore i saw a man walking his dog. and also the sounds of the night made a song for me to listen to. trees seemed a lot thicker and taller.

    i plan on eating the rest of my quarter on fourth of july and watching fireworks.

  9. i thought it would be a dream like trip, and i went on the computer at the end of my peak.

    i dont have a scale i just said 4.5 cause i ate two thirds of the bag.

    first i wanted to try the shrooms like a small dose. but then after i felt it i had the urge to eat more and over the time i ate more than half the bag. eating about 1.5-2.2 at a time

    i felt like a fiend.

  10. Yeah.
  11. oh, redosing doesn't work very well. You wasted shrooms man.
  12. yeah that didnt really make sense to me but i guess its all in being a noob

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