not sure where this should go but i need advice

Discussion in 'General' started by docleary, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. alright, i have long-ish curly hair and i've been thinking about pulling it back and using a hair tie in order to clean up my appearance a bit, for job interviews, court, etc. is it socially acceptable for me to do this? all my friends have short hair and i would feel a little awkward asking them this, as they're all guys. anyway, i suppose what i'm asking is if i can pull this look off. mind, i typically wear jeans/white t-shirts/button up shirts. (i hijacked my girlfriend's laptop so i could use her webcam)

    what my hair looks like freshly brushed:


    what my hair looks like pulled back:


    pulled back side view:


    also, i usually wear black framed glasses if i'm not at the computer or reading.
  2. Definitely pull it back - even hide it under a baseball cap. It makes a huge difference.
  3. Ya man pull that shiz back
  4. Yeah man, it actually looks good pulled back.

    Just make sure it ain't all frizzy and shit. We got similar hair, and mine used to always frizz out when I would pull it back
  5. Yeah keep it pulled back if you want to look "acceptable" in society's eyes. It actually looks good pulled back. I intended that compliment with the least amount of gay possible. :p
  6. thanks guys, this has been weighing a lot on my mind recently.

    i usually only brush my hair in the shower and it gets wet, then turns into fat curls. so its not as frizzy as in the first pic, usually.
  7. My opinion is 100%:

    Pulled back for sure!
  8. im picturing it pulled back like this with the glasses

    and i think it looks pretty damn classy
  9. I think you could totally pull off the pony tail look. You could also see if your girlfriend has a flat iron you could hijack too and try straightening it so that it's a flat pony tail and see what that looks like. Just a suggestion but I think it would look slick! (pun intended):hello: lol
  10. :eek:
  11. lmfao!

    dude im growing out my hair and during the whole day i have a headband(like a basketball one) holding it back

    once it gets long enough, which it almost is im also gonna do it in a pony tail.

    but my concern is to tie it up and not have it putting straight out on the back. i want it to fall down a bit like yours.

    will this come with the length or is it how i tie it or is it just my hair

    what are using to tie it up, a hairband or elastics?
  12. being a guy with hair almost exactly like yours.
    i can say that most people (including me) dont pull off the pulled back look.
    but you do. so id definately go for it man.
  13. you look cool as hell. lol im not gay. what.
  14. off topic
    you kinda remind me of kads from youtube and i cant figure out why
  15. i have long hair (longer than yours) and always tie it back for work. granted, i have to... but i tied it back for the interview anyway. it definitely looks "better" that way. i prefer to let it all out though, so outside of work i let it go. :D

    but yea man, i say do it. just make sure it looks clean and you'll be good. i've seen plenty of "professional" guys with long hair tied back. it doesn't work for me cause i look like i'm 13, but on most guys it seems to make them look more sophisticated IMO (compared to an average joe). although i'm probably just biased haha
  16. i don't know what it is that i'm using, it was on my girlfriend's nightstand. its this elastic-y fabric circle thing, no bigger than a rubber band. i was worried about my hair coming straight out the top of my head, but i found that if i hold my hair back and together at about where my spine meets my head and put the elastic thing in there it looks like in the pictures.

    my girlfriend was so surprised last night when i went to pick her up from work with my hair pulled back.
  17. Pulled back fo sho!
    I love it! Also...Made me laugh when you included court on your list of things to do! Too funny.
    You remind me of John Kosco...I have referenced him on this site before and posted pics somewhere.:D
  18. someone here on GC once said i looked like layne staley. i don't see the resemblance there, but i'll look up the other.

    thanks, i'm startin to dig the look now i have more than my girlfriend's opinion.
  19. like everyone says, with the least gay possible, looks way better pulled back man. rock that shit hahaha
  20. #20 docleary, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2010
    these are the typical curls when i don't brush my hair after it dries.


    my ears felt so naked last night, it was crazy. but one of my friends is on his way over to my house to chill, and help me with the goddamnable "ave.exe" so we'll see what his reaction is, lol.

    i'm personally lovin it, the weather is perfect, my hair is up, i'm shirtless/barefoot. life is FUCKING GREAT!

    aside from court and the like. :p

    edit - now i'm really regretting the time i burned my hair lighting a bowl while tripping, as the hairs that were once stuck together in one curl aren't long enough to pull back. they kinda spring up in the wind or w/e outside. any advice for that?

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