White Widow White Widow The Group Healthy Blue Dream White widow Feminized, little over 3 weeks old. Under 24 hour 8 bulb 4 ft t5, 50% humidity, temps between 73 & 81 degrees. Germinated in light warrior, transplanted into 1 Gallon FoxFarm Lucky Dog. Note, out of 7 plants in FF Lucky Dog, this is the only one that is having issues, all the rest are perfect I guess. 1st time growing. Please help. Please and Thank you. Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Oh, soil ph 6.5 on all, and 6.5 ro water with cal mag added. Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
That Blue Dream looks sexy. I'd wait for a second opinion, but I associate those dark brown spots with phosphorus defeciency. Not sure why just the one if they're all in the same environment, but it happens. Hopefully some others will share their thoughts. Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
I tend to agree on the phosphorus but I too wonder why only one plant is affected. Sometimes a plant just isn't right and one must just ditch it. You spent too much on your first grow, too. It should be a happy and relaxing hobby so don't stress over it too much
Not just that, but phosphorus deficiency is pretty unusual at that age... It's worth giving it a bump though to see how she responds. Could be some sort of root issue as well. As far as spending too much? That was 6x my budget! Lol. But if all is successful, then more power to you!
Lol. I was reading about root problems. But all symptoms look so Damn close. It's like, hey, 50% chance of rain today. It seems like a coin toss. But I figured since I'm legal, may as we spend the $ to do it right. Well the Fience' gave me permission. Wedding gift she says lol Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I've done construction my whole life so I'm pretty handy. R19 insulation all the way around. 1" r5 foam board all the way around, even floor so roots stay warm I figured lol. Then all foam joints were sealed all the way around with commercial window sealant. Then all of that was covered in IR barrier. Overkill lol. But it's air, and light tight, only air that gets in goes through 2 filters. 1900 micron mother room Veg Room Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Holey Moley. That set up is really something. Another thought on the plant. Did the spots cause the twisting? Or was it twisting before the spots? Are you giving anything else besides cal-mag?
No. Not yet. From what I've read I should wait till 4 weeks and the lucky dog is loaded kinda like subcool super soil recipe. And I've only been giving quarter dose of cal-mag because they were small Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
May have just been root damage during transplanting. Any number of possibilities. I'd say let her ride. Hopefully someone will come in with more input! Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
Spend all the money you want. Doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to grow. But I wouldn't stress over that one plant. I'm sure it will pull through just fine.
Did you give any of your plants a supplement after you transplanted it. It could be as simple as the plant not getting enough light while it is in a not so warm environment.
I grow a a half acre vegetable garden and can over 200 jars every year. Indoor growing is different but I know how to grow. And the money I spent was in Lue of all the beginner mistakes I've red. I built a bad ass room to make growing indoors easier. That's all. I knew I would still have to learn, that's why I asked for help. Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I did have everything on the 4x2 seedling mat up until yesterday with the controller set to 73 for the soil Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
New growth looks fine. Sometimes shit happens for no apparent reason. I wouldn't stress over it as everything else looks very healthy Good luck
Awesome. I'll see how it goes. I'm just going to keep doing the same I've been doing for the rest Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Genetic predisposition. I've got a runt in my garden, not because of anything I did wrong. It just happens. Are all of them from seed or just the WW? Nice grow btw, looks great.
Thanks man. All from seed. And I was thinking that. 3 of my Pineapple express grew all funky. Like missing leaves from their first 4 leaves they pop out. But everything else looks good Sent from my SM-G920V using Grasscity Forum mobile app