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Not getting high

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by goongrinch, Jul 10, 2019.

  1. I was using 95% indica cartridges for two weeks, and since they are out of them i bought two different brands (indica strain) which are both in the 70% range, I cannot get high off either one of them, I just did a tolerance break a month ago, any suggestions?
  2. Are you actually getting any hits off of the cartridge? Some cartridges fuck up.
  3. im getting big clouds, and get the burn in the lungs but no high.
  4. Wouldn't it suck if you just built up an immunity to THC and there was no cure?
  5. Been having the same problem for a few months. You end up with a more potent strain and then nothing works. What is a tolerance break?
  6. Smoke a joint. Preferably top shelf and Zig Zag's.
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  7. You should do a bong rip, or some wax, or a pipe, batty or joint. I think we built two tolerances. One to the thc and another involves your receptors.

    Essentially, the way you consume the weed changes the way your receptors receive it and your receptors can built a tolerance against the method of intake. Vape gives your lungs a great break though!

    Another fun fact. The vape process involves making hash first. I've made hash before with dry ice and realized after smoking the hash that the "high" was amazing, but part of the high wasn't there creativity was missing, and it diminished twice as fast. So I decided for kicks I'd try smoking the expended hash source and it blew me away. The reason for this I believe is that once the highest part of thc was shuffled out that the remaining pile became "some thc and a higher concentration of terpenes."

    I believe these terpenes are only making it in as smaller doses in the vape sticks, which concentrate more on thc. Maybe that's the high part you are missing. Its very easily to dull receptors with only one or two chemicals.

    Terpenes are a major part of the high because they generate imagination and wonder and in my personal observations, lengthen the time of the high by inhibiting the dopamine release or slowing down the thc reception, similar to how aioaska naturally inhibits the release of dmt causing that to be longer. Or so I theorize.

    Here is an interesting article on the subject of terpenes. Best of luck partner!

    What Are Cannabis Terpenes and What Do They Do?
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