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Normal Hemp as wick?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tangerineskyyy, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. So I just ran out of beeline and found a big spool of hemp for arts and crafts unopened. Any harm in using it?
  2. my guess is it'll be too fast burning to use, hemp is hemp though.
  3. I say go for it. Wouldn't hurt. And then you can post back your results. It's probably cheaper to buy that than beesline.
  4. It would work, but it might be a little harsh. If you can buy some beeswax and you can just dip it in and instant beeline.
  5. it works but is a little harsh and doesn't burn as smoothly/evenly as i'd like. i'll just pick up some wax and make my own with it. be ccost effective :smoke:
  6. Don't use the store-bought hemp. The hemp they use in beeline is 100% of course, but the hemp you buy at a arts and crafts store is not 100% hemp. It has other additives like bamboo and other fibers. The store bought hemp is also bleached. Even if it says on the package 100% hemp, is just 100% of the regulation amount they need to have in it. In other words, its not good for you.
  7. good to know before i got into the heavy smoking. thank you very much.
  8. I have tried to make my own hemp wick/beeline before and I realized that you do want the wax on there because it helps it burn clean. I just worry about the stuff from the stores being made in china where they water their plants with like 100% miracle grow (exaggeration(I hope!)) and then just cut the plant and send it it to factory with the nasty shit inside the hemp from the fertilizers. I just end up getting the best deal I can find on eBay or wherever. The humboldt traders wick will send you a free hemp wick if you email them

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