Normal Breathing

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by srsbsnss, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. #1 srsbsnss, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2013
    Breathing Problems: Basis for Chronic Diseases (Over 50 Studies)

    Has anyone heard of this site or its author, Artour Rakhimov? I just stumbled upon it last night via the googlez and have been reading up on it ever since.

    He argues that 90% of modern humans breathe too much (hyperventilate), which is the primary cause of all chronic illnesses. He bases it on the research of a famous Russian doctor, Konstantin Buteyko. It pretty much goes against everything western society teaches us (ie deep breathing, yoga, etc). It's pretty interesting and now I'm not sure what to think of all this.

    just thought I'd share some excerpts from his site:

    He also has a bunch of videos on his youtube channel:
  2. Kinda crazy...

    If you think about it, media advertises people to breath deep and to get fresh air. like the guy said, ."Nevertheless, on TV, radio, and in everyday life situations, people who have little knowledge of physiology say, “Take a deep breath, get more oxygen”, or “Breathe deeper for better oxygenation”, etc.".....

    Then if you research chem trails and the whole conspiracy around chemical changing of the environment and the intoxication of the air that we breathe, it would only make sense that they would tell people to go outside and breathe "fresh air" with deep breathes!

    Not saying its true....just something to think about.
  3. I never even though that chemtrails could be a part of this...but it would make perfect sense.
  4. I know man, its crazy to think about. A lot of other things make sense together too.
  5. #5 srsbsnss, Feb 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2013
    So I went ahead and bought his DIY Breathing Device manual... it was only $28 so I figured if it turns out to be BS then I didn't really lose anything. Hopefully I'll have a chance to build it next week and try some of the exercises. I'll keep this thread updated. this guy seems seems legit though, he actually posts a ton of medical studies to back his claims.

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