noob questions.. cloning, after harvest

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by yummynugs, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. Just a couple of noob questions. It seems most people destroy their plants after harvest, what would happen if you just let it keep growing afterwards? would it continue to yield buds or would it be not worth it? Also, how many times can you keep cloning the same plant? Can you just keep cloning a clone instead of growing from seeds? sorry for my noobness :p
  2. I just had a wake and bake so I am a bit blitzed right now and I don't exactly get what your asking. But I like in michigan where it gets cold out at the end of harvest (October). So I usually just cut the fully grown plants off at the bottom of the stem, cleaning all leaves off and throwing those into a plastic garbage bag for another reason. I then keep all my whole plant stems (with buds still on them) and hang them for drying, then cut them off, clean them up, then cure them. You will not be able to keep them growing. I don't usually do cloning, but once the clone grows roots, and gets big enough to take a clone off of, sure why not, but i suggest just taking clones from the "mother".


  3. if you're growing inside then yes, you can just keep the plant growing, in veg. if in flower, it's a one shot thing. you can reveg after harvest but it's a huge waste of time. you'd be better off just keeping a mother plant. you can keep mothers going for years and years. people do it all the time. you can keep cloning......
  4. ok thanks guys it makes sense now.

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