Noob help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Wingates, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Hey all.

    Just registered and I'm in dire need of some input.

    I recently germinated a whole bunch of bag seeds. Set up is a home made box running slightly over 300w cfls 6500k for vegging. Ample extraction and temp is stable at 27°c. Growing in 75% coco coir, 25% perlite mix. I buffered coco with calmag ph'd mix just to be sure. IMG-20170623-WA0006.jpg IMG-20170623-WA0005.jpg

    Only figured out after planting in soil that it was an extended release soil, as such I immediately moved them over to coco coir and saw great results. However, theyre growing in lime green and possible nute burn?

    Nute schedule is as follows:

    Nutes every other day (nutrifeed and calmag plus) pics to follow, and then ph'd water in between, foliar feeding with a slightly more diluted version of my nute mix.

    Ph'd nute mix and water 5.8, run off coming out at 6.5.

    Please help? IMG-20170623-WA0010.jpg IMG-20170623-WA0009.jpg

    Attached Files:

  2. they all look ok except for the small one thats turning white
    since they're all bagseeds im going out on a whim and saying whatever strain that is, it doesnt like the nutes its getting, just so you know, coco is 100% inert and has no nutrients what-so-ever
    how long ago was the re transplant into coco? they might just be recovering still if it was performed recently
  3. Just wondering about the over all colour of the plants. They seem to be much lighter than desirable. I noticed the particularly sick one had a really poor root structure when I transplanted. Transplanted about a week ago and I saw positive results for all of them within two days.

    Yeah I know about the coco being inert. Hoping that my nute mix is sufficient. Will get a higher concentrate of k for flowering and reduce my nitrogen when the time comes.
  4. its probly the ph hit them with 5.5 ph flush to bring the run off down at 6.8 there locked out. didnt ypu say it was buffered if so should be buffered to 5.5-5.8 not 6.8 :/

    plus id say atm there not gonna need much in the way of nutes atm
    how old are they and are these auto or photo bag seed do you know.

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  5. and remember p
    they like dry and wet not always wet as there roots need to breath

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  6. Run off is at 6.5. Do you rate I should include a small dose of calmag to the 3 x volume flush? Tap water on this side of the planet is really hard (roughly 7.2)

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  7. Running them in coco coir and watering once daily at the start of light schedule to about 10% run off. Plenty oxygen around the roots.

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  8. Nutes every second day with foliar feed

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  9. Also, I'm not 100% sure if they're autos though I highly doubt it. Plan on doing he flip myself

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  10. #10 MickFoster, Jun 24, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
    Do not follow this advice it is wrong. The OP is growing in coco, not soil, coco is hydroponics and should be fed daily. Also the pH going in should be 6.0 - and don't flush them like he recommends.

    Absolutely terrible advice. To the OP: You are going to have slow growth for a couple of weeks because of the large pots that they are in now - root development is much faster when started in smaller containers - it's easier to control the moisture content. Your plants are light green because they're hungry. You feed one day and wash it out the next with water - coco can't hold nutes like soil and should be fed everyday to 20% run off unless it's a very small plant in a large pot. Feeding to runoff renews the nutes and pulls in fresh oxygen to the root zone. I would feed with 1/4 strength nutes until run off and considering the size of the plants - do it again in two days. Never let coco dry out and never feed with plain water - ever.
  11. so you telling me i them big pot the plants are in they will a need water every day or there go a dry? haha. maybe later when there bigger...
    if thats the case the dude either got some seriously thirtsty
    plant or really low humidity. but sure do what this dude says

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  12. Hey MickFoster,

    This seems more in line with what I've researched. So just to clarify, feed every day to 20% runoff. Do you think it's necessary to include calmag to my nute mix (pics included higher up)?

    Also, at what point do I bump up the nute dosage?

    Sorry for any stupid questions, it's just my first grow ever and I'm more than a little nervous to get it right

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  13. also coco isnt 100% inert other wise it wouldnt be full of potassium(which is slowly realsed ) and holds calcium thats why you can get charged or uncharged and then depending what coco some are washed well other still have shit ton of sodium in .
    it slow releases potassium over a long time and with holds calcium so if unchrged the calcium you add just get held on to by coco untill charged . if ya dont believe me check it out.

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  14. Hey loki125

    Wouldn't I have remedied that by washing out the coco coir a whole lot before treating with calmag? I had heard about heavy salt build ups so I tried to avoid that by washing thoroughly and then treating before I mixed in the perlite

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  15. #16 MickFoster, Jun 24, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
    Apparently you either didn't read or comprehend my post. This is what I said:
    Based on your advice to the OP - you don't grow in coco.
  16. Yes feed everyday but like I said in my post - your plant is small and the container is large - feed to run off then again in a few days. Everyday feeding only applies to plants that have a well established root system in the pot they are in. I have a thread in the Hydroponics/Coco Coir section called: Mick's Coco-KISS-Scrog Method and it outlines the feeding schedule - you might pick up some pointers. Good luck.
  17. Wish I had found your thread earlier. Thanks for the input man. Finding legit advice from someone willing to give it is far too rare. It really is appreciated

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  18. Check out technafloral seaweed powder for high k it's 1-1-16.

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  19. Pro tip. Thanks bud. Do you know off hand if it's hydro friendly?

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