Noob Help Pot Size???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Bruce Leaf, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Is it possible to grow in one gallon pots?
    I just sprouted a few seeds I just want a small harvest is this possible?

  2. Additional details outdoor grow nothing fancy just organic soil.
  3. yea, 1 gallon can grow a plant, but realize the smalled your pot, the smaller your potential yield, as your roots will run out of room in there to keep expanding

  4. :smoke: Thanks
  5. It will be a Bonzai pot plant but yes, it'll produce some bud. Don't forget to use perlite in your soil, 1 gallons pots can get pretty compact after a few months.
  6. very nice what ingredients in the soil?
  7. perlite and sand and organic soil. you can grow a plant in 6" pot and got an oz.

  8. Thanks I'm hoping that I can just harvest a bit and keep the plant alive and producing, I'll get perlite for sure. I appreciate it. Any other advice is welcome.

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