NoBueno714’s Quantum Board / Perpetual Grow

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Nobueno714, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Where are you located? That’s insane!
  2. I guess I should edit my title
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  3. All from clone. I’m slightly disappointed with my guy that supplies them...
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  4. Oh that's right I forgot..
    I've even commented on them

    Sent from Space
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  5. Haha no worries! Tons of thread to follow. It’s hard to keep track.

    Even though half of them look rough, I’m pretty confident I can nurse them back. The handful I rejected won’t go to waste. I’ll put them in another tent, and keep them as potential mothers if they turn out well.
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  6. Since it’s going to be downsized slightly, additional power is on the horizon for both tents
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  7. Hahaha! Nice! Serious jam going on there lol!
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  8. Thanks dude! I’ve been spectrum hopping. I’m hoping this new mix performs the way I anticipate.
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  9. I am interested to see how these boards work too!
    I have a very red room. (Doesn't look it but lots of far red, some 2700k boards) Wanna see what your setup does.
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  10. I know the rule of thumb leans towards the red spectrum, but I honestly think the mix of blues, really helps out.

    I’ve got plenty of red diodes to balance things out, imo.
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  11. I overlooked this, thought it was a quote. Damn, damn, damn. Bringing the heat!
  12. I need to move back to San Jose or give into my wife’s demands and move to within walking distance of Disneyland. Grew up in this heat, but the summers get tiring. Still waiting for them to discover advanced heat exhaustion; I have it after 30 summers!

    Kidding, I’m booking it to Idaho before the state implodes.
  13. I assume you mean "implode" because of the leftist, liberal, Commie madness?

    What's wrong with taking all the guns from the sane people, then letting all the psychos run free, pooping in the streets, as ANTIFA throws rocks at everyone and calls everything racist, all the while Hollywood elites cry for socialism from their fenced off, gated, ivory towers?

    What are you a racist, misogynistic hater? Lol!
  14. This state has literally gone bonkers. I always like to highlight the hypocrisy of the left when I point out the fact that CA elected Gavin Newsom as governor. They chose a straight, white 1%er male. The icing on the cake is the fact that he is related to Nancy Pelosi and the SF political mob.

    I work in SF monthly. I have seen shit, smelled shit, stepped in shit, seen people take a shit, seen people take a shit on other people, seen people take a shit while shooting up, seen people shit while walking, and even seen a kid take a shit. I’ve found a rubber banded bundle of syringes on the steps of Union Square; imagine going back to 1861 and informing Thomas King and John Geary that the plaza, and SF as a whole, would become a haven for America-hating scum. They probably would have torched the city, right then and there.

    It’s so bad in that city that between 3-5am, you will find them power washing the sidewalks in FiDi/SoMa areas, and especially Union Square. You know why they’re washing them...

    Idaho, here I come...
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  15. Wow :-( I'm assuming you're not exaggerating here, are you...

    Sent from Space
  16. Lol!!! I keep my opinions to myself, but this is funny. My lady would laugh as well
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  17. Most of these are the reason I love visiting SF. Street corner to street corner, a new experience awaits!!! Zero fucks given. Shit is wild! Boom haha
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  18. Sorry I made it part way thru and cracked up...."seen people take a shit on other people"
    Fuckin' near died!!

    There's the
    1st world
    2nd world
    3rd world

    Then there's SF

    The Turd world
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  19. I still love San Francisco.


    Ding, Ding!
    • Funny Funny x 1

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