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No-smell Cannabutter?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Nutbust, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. My cousin is crashing over here because his girlfriend couldn't handle him neither can I. I have 3 dimes of nice quality bud, and want to make some brownies, but I don't think pot is going to go down too well with him or any of my family (he's the type that would call and tell them immediately, after watching a few football games and getting wasted on my couch. :mad: ). I've done my research and see that some people tried to grind the weed and put *hot* butter on top of it, and sealed it in a thermos for a few good old hours. I have no idea how well this would work, the mix calls for 1 stick of butter.

    Will this work, if not, other ideas? Can't do green dragon/oil, recipe calls for butter and butter is what i'll use. :)
  2. Take like 4 cups of water, 1 stick of butter, and grind your weed up as fine as possible. Put it all in a pot and bring it to just a simmer. Not a boil. Let it simmer for 4 or more hours. I usually go 7 to 8 hrs (but I also use 12 cups of water, 1 oz of grinded up bud, and 4 sticks of butter) but 4 will do as well. Then strain it through cheesecloth to get rid of the weed. Put the water/butter in a bowl or baking dish and refrigerate it overnight. In the morning the butter will be on top, solidified. Remove the butter from the water. Toss the water. Now use that butter in your brownie recipe and you will be good to go. Its not odorless though, but thats the way to do edibles, not by putting actual weed in food.

  3. I was under the impression that after adding *hot* butter (which can keep it's temperature for 8+ hours) and adding it to the weed, then straining it out, the fat would have been absorbed by then. This is a thread for an odorless butter, it's a good recipe for another occasion but not what I needed.
  4. The best way to find out is to try. I think it's a perfectly viable method. My only question is, once you make the butter, how will you use IT without it smelling? Do you have a no bake recipe? Even the butter stinks.

    What I do is cook my butter outside on a camping stove. No smell in the house and everyone is happy. Try it when your cousin is passed out after a few beers and won't bug you.

  5. I'm thinking of cooking something with a really strong fume to overpower the scent. I'll put the brownies below it so they don't soak up it's putrid scent.

    Maybe baked papaya or something? any suggestions?
  6. To be honest, man, cooking something else will just make it smell like weed and whatever else you're cooking. There's pretty much no way to cook something without it smelling like weed. If i were you, I'd just bake some firecrackers. I know it's not what you're looking for, but they only smell like peanut butter while baking.

  7. Hm, assuming the smell stays in the oven, here's what i'll do.

    bake brownies

    self-clean oven to eliminate all smells in the oven

    do the old vanilla extract in oven trick to make half my house smell like vanilla

    febreze the shit out of it and open all my windows.

    What i'm really looking for is the validity of the thermos method.
  8. if you just put finely ground bud in a very fatty oil and let it sit for a few weeks it will work. or you can just kick that fuck out
  9. Someone posted a thread about making canna milk, and I assume if you do the recipe the same way, but use butter instead of milk, you'll be able to make cannabutter without the smell. They put butter and weed in a sealed jar, and put the jar inside of a pot with boiling water on the stove. As long as the jar stays sealed, it won't smell.

    I also think that the thermos idea is a really good one, and that it would probably work. Once time I was at the movies, and I broke up a bunch of dried bud into my popcorn. There was already hot butter all over it, so I just mixed it all around. It actually ended up getting me relatively high, even though it didn't sit in something sealed like a thermos or anything like that.

    I guess give it a try. I'm pretty sure it'd work. I'm thinking of doing this now too, because I also need a method for making edibles without the smell.
  10. #11 Ganganinja8558, Nov 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2012
    Dude do it in a oven like my signature says. If it smells it smells very little for like 15 minutes, just open a window and turn the vent fan on the microwave on high.
  11. Just make sure that you put the jar into the pot of water BEFORE it's starting to boil. Glass can shatter if you change the temperature rapidly. Having all your weed and butter floating around in boiling water would be no fun!
  12. Not to mention shattered glass but rally do it in the oven
  13. To mask the odour of marijuana while reducing it into an edible form is far from easy. Doing basic things like butter will always smell unless you have a carbon filter over your stove with a hood and fan and a sealed off kitchen... Your best bet would be a ceramic dish in the microwave add your marijuana and cover let set until it cools down re microwave and strain when no ones around. Sweet cream butter or any kind of cream butter for that matter won't have a strong smell.

    IYou COULD purchase heavy whipping cream and whip it with a food processor or blender with the marijuana in it for a minute or 2 until it turns green, then strain it and continue making the butter that way. In essence it should be primarily odorless and not arouse busy bees or cause suspicion.

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