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No resistance?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by lysol92, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Ok, so since the start of Christmas break of 2009 I have smoked everyday (maybe excluding an odd day here or there, but I don't remember any), most of the time at least three times a day.
    Why do I still get ripped out of my mind from a .2?
    I've only been smoking kush if that helps at all... maybe cause its good weed I haven't gotten a resistance yet?
    I have no idea, my friends said to Google it, I though you guys would be better.
  2. let see some pics... [​IMG] of the kush
  3. Do you mean a tolerance? It could be you just aren't smoking frequently enough, for me, it takes at least 12 hours between smoking for me to get really baked, otherwise the high doesn't last too long.

  4. My guess would be that you're just smoking small enough amounts where your body doesn't build up a huge or noticeable tolerance. Again, just a guess, I really have no clue. You might be an anomaly :eek:
  5. don't complain dude, not having a tolerance is a great thing! It is cheaper that way!

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