-No report post function -Quote post not working -Big nuggets of weed keep popping out of the screen and landing on my lap Android phone. Sent from Donald Trump's orange testicles
I see it on Android and I tested it. It appeared to work. However, the report did not arrive for the Moderating team.
Could be my phone, it's pretty old. I checked the playstore and I seem to be up to date. I just tried to report you RMJL, no joy. Option doesn't show, everything else seems to be there. Sent from Donald Trump's orange testicles
there is a report button. if you select the post by tapping on it you can goto the 3 dots at the top right of the screen and there will be a report button
It must be the version i am using. When I do the above the first option i get is like, then share, start a conversation and then its the same apart from the report option. Thanks for trying guys. Sent from Donald Trump's orange testicles