So state Senator Nick Scutari is proposing a bill that would legalize marijuana in New Jersey ! As a NJ resident I'm really excited and am gonna try and do my part to help this get passed, it won't be easy considering Governor Christies views on marijuana legalization, but in a liberal state like this I believe this bill really could pass. Any thoughts blades
Christie has vowed that legalization will never happen while he's in office, so I doubt it will pass, but it's good to get the conversation started.
I agree an override of his veto is possible but I'm not sure on the exact makeup of or state senate so idk if there will be enough state Senators in support of the bill to do so. Seriously though I do not understand how he got reelected when a large amount of are states population hates him, sucks that his supporters are also the largest demographic that votes
In light of Christie's Bridge Scandal I doubt any senator is planning to go against his will in fear of what he may do to them. When the people's ideology towards cannabis changes is when legalization will occur. Because of the false teachings on marijuana in schools and the beliefs held by most doctors in New Jersey, legalization will not pass here any time soon until more people are educated on the truth.
Both the false teachings in school and the ignorance of NJ doctors can be overcome with education! I am fairly certain that some of GC's NJ blades are seniors in high school, or in college. So get my List being passed around the schools! It is awful hard for your "less enlightened" peers to keep claiming that they KNOW pot causes lung cancer 'cause "Officer Friendly" told them so in DARE , when you keep coming up with stuff like this- Large Study Finds No Link between Marijuana and Lung Cancer (news - 2006) {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer. (abst - 2007) Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007) \n For your doctor, may I suggest these for a start? The first tells how THC beats Aricept and Cognex at preventing Alzheimer's. A Molecular Link between the Active Component of Marijuana and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology (full - 2006) Then mention that THC activates both the CB1 and CB2 receptors- Activation of the CB(2) receptor system reverses amyloid-induced memory deficiency. (abst – 2013) The title says it all on this next one! {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer. (abst - 2007) Next is how “CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease Id-1 expression in metastatic breast cancer cells leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.†(First non-poisonous way to make certain cancer cells less aggressive!) Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells. (full - 2007) How cannabidiol (CBD) protects diabetic hearts. Cannabidiol Attenuates Cardiac Dysfunction, Oxidative Stress, Fibrosis, and Inflammatory and Cell Death Signaling Pathways in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy (full - 2010) How CBD stops seizures in kids with severe epilepsy- Report of a parent survey of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy (abst – 2013) And throw this little gem in while you are at it- Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions. (abst – 2011) The post office will deliver envelopes without return addresses, so you can remain anonymous! Doctors usually have "full study" privileges, so all you need to print up are the abstracts- they can look up the studies themselves. FYI- a first class stamp will send 5 sheets of paper. I think it's worth the "49 cent gamble" (cost of the stamp) that your info packet will start your doctor thinking about cannabis in a new and more positive way! Remember to comment in the online news! These stories will be all over the local news! A lot of folks read the comments and can be swayed one way or another by them. I picked out a few titles and use them like this- Why should YOU want cannabis legal? These provide some good reasons- “Marijuana's Active Ingredient Shown to Inhibit Primary Marker of Alzheimer's Disease†(, “Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows†(ScienceDaily), “Lab Notes: Pot Has Benefits for Diabetic Hearts†(MedPageToday), “14 of 15 MS patients show clinical improvement with cannabis consumption†(Examiner), “Marijuana Slims? Why Pot Smokers Are Less Obese†(TIME), and “Cannabis for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease treatment†(NewsMedicalNet) and “Marijuana may be Helpful in Lowering Blood Pressure†(BioMedicine). There is a LOT more to cannabis than just "getting high"! Learn more by running a search for "Granny Storm Crow's List"! Odds are, most folks either have one or more of those conditions, or has a relative with them. All you have to do is get them asking themselves "I wonder if pot could help "Aunt Rose" with her ____?", and they will be very likely to vote for legalization, on the chance that it will help her. Full legalization IS coming, but how soon it gets here is up to each one of us! Granny
im from nj and this would be great! They are also introducing a hemp legalization law this week too also the doctors in nj all are pretty liberal, and cool with weed. I have been to many therapist that said they are totally fine with medicating with mmj in nj even though the legal status of it.
Yea I was very excited to see a hemp bill passing but despite the overwhelming support for it in the house and senate Christie still vetoed it. I'm terrified of what would happen to the country's cannabis policy if he were elected president.
LOL NJ and most of these eastern states got a little while to go...Christie isn't budging on the issue, and there is no real public pressure. Guy will use all of his power to defeat any bill before it could even get on a ballot.
I don't think that the teachings in highschools have that large of an impact as from my experience for the most part kids know them to be false, NJ doctors on the other hand do seem to be in issue in that its seems a large amount of them to be anti-marijuana. I would say our biggest problem is that the poorer population who these laws effect the most are much less likely to organize and voice there opinions on the subject as opposed to groups who are anti-marijuana such as upper-class conservatives. OMG granny posted on my thread! I feel honored. Thanks for the advice I'm actually gonna look into this stuff and hopefully take action. Christie vetoed that bill along with a bill that would guarantee NJ mmj patients would not be disqualified from receiving organ transplants on the same day that he made a speech about how the war on drugs has been a failure
[quote name="j420j420" post="19413601" timestamp="1390793770"]So state Senator Nick Scutari is proposing a bill that would legalize marijuana in New Jersey !As a NJ resident I'm really excited and am gonna try and do my part to help this get passed, it won't be easy considering Governor Christies views on marijuana legalization, but in a liberal state like this I believe this bill really could pass. thoughts blades[/quote]As a fellow nj toker, I'm stoked by that ill do everything I can. Brothers n sisters of nj spread the word!!!Sent from my cloud of smoke
Allow me to join in the chorus of "Christie will kill this bill." That is the bad news. However, the good news is that because of New Jersey's political climate(the executive branch is way more powerful than the rest of the government) the second we get a pro cannabis governor we could get it legalized really, really fast. This, by the way, is not as far fetched as you might think. IMHO after Christie leaves office NJ will be very, very interested in getting a much more liberal governor. And because we have enough of a strong power base in NJ to get bills to the governor the rest will be easy as pie.
Christie will probably try to do anything to please the people of NJ right now after this scandal. If he doesn't he really is digging his own grave but I haz a feering he will still veto it like an ass hole.
Most definitely. LIke it or not at the moment Christie is the big hope for the Republicans to get the White House in 2016. However, as Maureen Dowd pointed out in an interview with Gov Hickenlooper, at this point and time any Republican that is pro legalization would never make it through the primaries. Of course, I would say that anyone that isn't at least 40% anarchist won't get the Republican nomination but that's just me.