Nirvana seeds review

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by Smokin' Jimmy Jay, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. First time ever ordering seeds. I'm as green as what I'm growing lol. But I've gotta say, while I haven't grown yet, nirvana's value of 10 free seeds and their packaging which is extremely discrete has me beyond impressed right now. Just got them in the mail. And trust me I was REALLY skeptical and paranoid like most first timers. Well listen to me guys, if anyone is like me, trying to get there first grow going but is scared buying seeds online cause well PRISON go nirvana. I'm not going to say how they ship it, that's part of what makes a secret a secret. But I can not stress how little you have to worry about it like I can't even describe the stealthyness. It's borderline genius. The whole process is impossible to be caught with unless you're a complete idiot.

    Anyway, I'll update on the quality of the seeds once I start but I hear good things so, crossing my fingers!:weed:

    Happy growing guys.

    Oh and if anyone has tips for a newbie you know who to give em to!:)
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  2. Good to hear you got past that initial paranoia. Also thanks for not letting it out of the bag for the stealth shipping. Way too many people let that one go and don't realize they could ruin it for the rest of us.
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