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Nilla Wafer Firecrackers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by radioactivebud, May 16, 2011.

  1. Note: I've had very few edibles. My area of expertise is nowhere near what it could be with edibles. I smoke and vaporize the fine herb, so seasoned cannabis eaters, school me if you wish.

    What I did:

    Grabbed a nice kind bud from my jar. Grinded that shit up fine, it was about .7 grams total. Took the shake and threw it on a paper plate.

    I microwaved it in 15 second intervals, leaving it to sit 10 seconds in between. I did this like 5 times. This is called decarboxylation. It's the same thing as people setting the weed in the oven at low temps for a bit.

    Anyway, took about 6 nilla wafers and slathered each one in some peanut butter (creamy). I then took my ganja and spread it evenly across each cookie, then sandwiched them, creating 3 nilla wafer firecracker sandwich cookies. I wrapped them in foil and put them in an oven that had been preheated to 350. I let them cook for about 3 minutes, then I put my oven on "Speed Bake" and baked them for about 15 minutes.

    I took the cookies out and unwrapped them, then put them on a plate. There was some peanutbutter/weed mixture stuck to the foil I wrapped each cookie in. I took a knife and scraped up the excess, then put the excess onto another nilla wafer, slapped another wafer on top, creating a fourth, and I'm guessing, less potent firecracker.


    Long story short, I made 4 nilla wafer firecrackers. 3 potent, 1 less potent.

    So, I'm going to partake after I settle down for the night, at around 8:30PM central or so. I'm setting up movies and munchies right now. I do have work tomorrow, but I really don't care about going in moderately stoned (if they last that long).

    How many of the cookies should I eat? 1 potent and the other less potent one? All four? Any suggestions or tips at all? I'm just now getting into eating cannabis on a regular basis, so I'm a bit of a lightweight. Also, I only have a moderate metabolism.

    I'll also keep you guys posted after I consume them.

  2. Has anyone else tried this im doing this tomorrow with nilla wafers and would like to know how ittttt feeeeeellsss yooo
  3. The cookie/cracker is irrelavent, not needed even. You could lick the PB/MJ mix out of a bowl if you wanted.

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