Nicknames for Soking Marijuana

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Shantyman, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. Smii woo
    Blowin it down
  2. You got any Daritos?

    Yea man cooler ranch(headies) or nacho cheese (mids)
  3. The friend who's parents won't allow her to speak to me anymore always texted me and said, "Can I come over and partake in some activities?"
  4. "Wanna go find the pastries?"
    "I was thinkin of Archies dancing."
    "I think it's time to cook a squirrel."

    Super good times:smoke:
  5. Ay man ya got some shlewb skewb?

    Lint Squint

    Squinting Squanto
  6. "Lighting the Hairy pocket vaginas"
    "Smacking the Sticky Smoke tarts"
  7. "headbutt unicorns" as in "this place is gay, lets go headbutt unicorns."
  8. didnt really use codes much till me and all my firends got arrested we started using code for a short while after that. im trying to think of some......(yes lol im high. some pretty good shiat, 5 a g. random yes) um. ya none are coming to me.
  9. one time I was at my friends crib for a cook out , and everyone was around so after the blunt was rolled ( in the bathroom ) the convo went like this :

    Me : yeaaa
    him : yeaaaaaa
    me : yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    him : yea
  10. "Running errands".. so people think I'm busy and doing something productive.
  11. smoking: reading, studying
    one gram: a book
    sesh: class
    place to chill: classroom

    heres an example, it fits pretty well.

    me: yo does anyone have a book? we should read again
    friend: yea i got like 2 more. wheres the classroom?
    me: i have no idea lets just go outside
    friend: ok. (to everyone) anyone else want to come to class? (no one is listening) no one? ok... well the bell rang and we're heading to 2nd period.

    i love the irony of it :D:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::cool:
  12. "Im just going to the mall BITCH!"

    Just throwing it out there haha :D
  13. "Wanna hang out with Rob & Keith?"

    my bongs... (Robert Downey Jr. / Keith Richards)
  14. smoking - reading the bible
    being high - having a religious experience
    pot - bible verse
    toker - christian, catholic etc.

    Ex. "Hey dad, we're going to read the bible!"
    "That guy is a really devoted catholic, he goes off into nature and has loads of religious experiences."

    Sounds kinda stupid or too easily deciphered but it works for my friends and I. :D
  15. drink some mt. dew...
    nature walk
    checking out the grassy knoll
    going on a picnic
    going down to Cocomo (name of our bong)
    scratchin ol scratch (another name of a piece)

    but mos tof the time we just ask if we wanna smoke...
  16. I'm just going to the mall bitch!
  17. Every time I read the title of this thread I think it's about soaking weed in PCP or something.

    A nickname I use for smoking weed is tizzing.

    Let's tiz a liz ya hiz?

    Tizzle a bizzle.

    Tizzle a lizzle.

  18. want some waska? (from the latino term "yesca" i was just really high one day and called it waska and it stuck)
    Ride the high tide
    burp with stevie (inside joke)
    wanna get red eyes?
  19. Having hippie salad
  20. I named my piece Ducky. So I would normally just say Ducky's waiting.

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