Just copped 31 (the pharmacist fucked up and gave her 1 extra lol) of these 2 mgs round Mylan A4's from my girl, gave her $90 for her, got some head and burned one with her when she came by to drop em of, my kind of drug pickup if you ask me Popped 2 and i'm feelin great, bumpin some music and burnin a few bongs. Took like a 2 month long break from these things, so this is niceeeee
My girl and her mom get them prescribed so she just usually sells me most of them, she doesnt like takin them that much.
Good ol' mylan wagonwheels lol... CVS is the only place that carries those around here, walgreens has got the yellow boys
damn, i havnt had zanys in so long, i forgot how much i used to pay... i want some zanys now, sheeeit