Newbie recommendation

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by ImATowel, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. I'm a longtime e-cig user, but completely new to dry herb vapes, and I'm finding myself in need of a little guidance. I read through the vaporizer sticky post and now I'm here. I'll try to describe my needs, and any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

    My use is pretty much medicinal: I have trouble falling asleep, so it's just teeny tiny amounts before bed nightly, and that's basically it. Due to this -- and I don't know exactly how this part works -- but if possible I'd prefer a vaporizer that doesn't require filling with large amounts; although this is not a deal-breaker.

    I do not need a pen-style, but I'm also not in a situation where I can have a tabletop contraption on display. So, this should be at least somewhat portable.

    Other things I do care about are efficiency, ease-of-use, and build quality. I do not care about smell (never been an issue for me due to the tiny amounts I use). As for price, I'd spend up to $150.

    Thanks so much for any starting points anybody would be generous enough to point me towards (specific models especially), as I've been pretty lost so far.
  2. Bump your bottom line up to $200 and go with an E-Nano.

    My use is pretty much medicinal: I have trouble falling asleep, so it's just teeny tiny amounts before bed nightly, and that's basically it.....Me too and I get by with .05g to .08g before bed from my E-Nano. I can throttle back the load amount on some of my other vapes but it takes more fiddling around.

    I do not need a pen-style, but I'm also not in a situation where I can have a tabletop contraption on display. So, this should be at least somewhat portable... The E-Nano is a small plug in vape that due to its size is real easy to conceal after use.

    Other things I do care about are efficiency, ease-of-use, and build quality...The E-Nano is very efficient, the best one I own in my limited selection... ease-of-use... Load, draw and at the end empty out the remains....Build quality...Next to none, the parts are of good quality, the design is mature and simple and the customer support is not bad either.

    Of course it not perfect, given the units simplicity you quickly remember you are buying in a niche market. There are no bells or whistles just an appliance type of control on the cord and that's about it. I wish you luck in your search.
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