new to the site, been smoking for about, a year and a galf

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by white_tiger420, Mar 18, 2003.

  1. I am a 20 m from the seattle area. I have been smoking for awhile and i have just been looking for people to chat with.
  2. Welcome to the city!!!
  3. welcome to the city.....Peace out.....Sid
  4. hahah cool
    im blazed right now!

    welcome to the highest point on the map, the grasscity!
  5. Welcome to the city!
  6. a year and a half smoker, awesome, welcome to the city:D
  7. Welcome to the City!!!! Have fun!
  8. Welcome to the city friend. :)

  9. came to the right place!! chat away! :) welcome to our fine city!
  10. welcome. You are one of the lucky few to have stumbled upon the best place in the world ;)

    Just kick back toke it up and chat until you can't open your eyes wide enough to read the screen anymore.
  11. kewl! welcome to the city, but i gotta worn you... this city is the best fucking city in the world!!! STONER CITY!!!!

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