New Title For The Drug "War"

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by poipoi, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. Hey, I read a lot on this site, but don't really post too often. I was thinking about how the US declared a war on drugs, and this got me thinking about how in a real war there are only two sides, however in this there is just one side participating, the government. This got me thinking about how describing it as a war just misrepresents the facts so I went about trying to find a better term and it dawned on me the perfect word is genocide. Below is a post from my blog i just started talking about how the war on drugs is really a genocide. I know it's a little long, but I'd greatly appreciate any comments ranging in topic from grammer and spelling, to fromatting, to the actual arguements in the post. Thanks in advance to anyone who reads it and/or replies.

    Oh and the address is Thoughts if you want to read my blog, this is my first post on the blog and I'm planning on doing much more at irregular intervals

    First Post

    Hello, and welcome to my blog. I'd like to do a little background on the address of this blog before i begin, which will hopefully give you a sense of the content of the blog. As you know by going to the website, the address is Thoughts. The reason I decided to call it this was because people in drug forums (by the way I use drugs and think they can be very beneficial to people) use the acronym SWIM or Someone Who Isn't Me to refer to what they were doing so they can try and protect themselves and the site from government persecution, and the fact that people can't talk about something that is usually important to them (at least important enough to do, usually on multiple occasions, and then write about online.)

    My first topic for this blog, which can be pretty easily guessed by the paragraph above, is drugs. Namely the genocide committed by the American government as we speak and by many others around the world toward members of the drug culture. Now I know most people will probably be wondering 'What genocide?' and this stems from a couple things, the first is that many people really don't understand what genocide is, and the other is that while some may question the war on drugs when it comes cannabis, only a small minority really question the war on drugs at all. Most people just accept it as a fact of life, or believe the propaganda that it is necessary.

    Now the first definition comes from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, and this I think gives the best definition, although the American legal definition and international legal definition are a little different, and really it's helpful to look at both. The definition is~ geno-cide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. While the international legal definition (according to The international legal definition of genocide - Prevent Genocide International) is copied below along with key definitions the site provides.

    "Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;

    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:

    (a) Genocide;

    (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

    (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

    (d) Attempt to commit genocide;

    (e) Complicity in genocide. "

    Key definitions-
    A national group means a set of individuals whose identity is defined by a common country of nationality or national origin.

    An ethnic group is a set of individuals whose identity is defined by common cultural traditions, language or heritage.

    A racial group means a set of individuals whose identity is defined by physical characteristics.

    A religious group is a set of individuals whose identity is defined by common religious creeds, beliefs, doctrines, practices, or rituals.

    The main difference between the two definitions (besides the fact that one sets international law) is the lack of cultural groups and the addition of religious groups to the groups protected. The reason I included both was because while it may be hard to charge members of the United States government for genocide, it is much easier for it to be explained in terms of the English language, not law.

    The easiest way to go about this is to first establish drug users as one of the 4 groups. In the non-legal sense this would very easilly fall under cultural group because there is a definite drug culture. Once it is established that they are a member of a cultural group, the next step is to see if a government is trying to deliberately and systematicaly destroy this group. Well, this is fairly easy as the government set up many laws to try and take away the drugs that necesitate the drug culture, and punish those involved in the growing/production, distrobution, and use of these drugs to discourage those punished from returning to their life in the drug culture and to prevent others from ever joining.

    Now if we go through the same process to see if there is an act of genocide being commited under the legal definition we would have to substitute either ethnic or religious group. Ethnic group could be used because there is a common cultural tradition between members of the drug culture, going back to the hippies and Timothy Leary, and then stretching much farther back to indigenous cultures that are still around today and others, that through genocide or adoption of other values, no longer exist.

    The drug culture could also fall under religious groups as there are many religious groups who use drugs as sacramants, which the U.S. government has outlawed despite the supposed belief in religious freedom. Neither of these fit as well as cultural groups, but they do fit well enough to make a case that genocide is being commited. So now that we have established that members of the drug culture are part of a protected group under international law we have to see if acts of genocide as defined by the law are being commited. The acts of genocide being commited are (b), (c), and (e) of Article 2 (see above for exact definition).

    Causing serious bodily or mental harm is fulfilled through the arrest and imprisonment of members of the drug culture, and while violence by the government is not always used, there is always the threat of it, and the use of violence on some occasions. Mental harm is clearly from the imprisonment, which takes the members of the drug culture from their family, friends, and communtiy.

    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part is fulfilled again by the laws making the drugs necessary for a drug culture to exist, adn imprisoning those involved in the drug culture to prevent them from returning to the drug culture, as well as discouraging others from joining the drug culture. And finally the forcible transferring of children from one group to another is fulfilled by the government, through social services, removing children from the custody if the parents are in jail, or users of illegal drugs.

    While obviously the arguement has to go into much more depth, I hope I conveyed the basic framework of the arguement so you can begin to see the genocide taking place right under your nose, possibly with your consent.
  2. Only spelling mistake I saw was 'argument' :D

    You raise a hefty point, one that I haven't really thought of. I mean, I'm inclined to think the term 'genocide' is a bit dramatic and that it could lead to racial groups who've experienced genocide getting all offended, but it actually does fit the definition pretty nicely.

    The main thing I think is that the 'War on Drugs' is very much a one sided thing, in which case it's not a war. It's an assault. Makes me think that we should take them up on it and form a Weed Liberation Army for them to actually shoot at and kill - do you think they would? Somehow I doubt it... ;)
  3. Yeah, it is a bit extreme, and really you never could try anyone for it, and honestly I don't think trying anyone would really help the situation. The main reason I wrote it was to try and show how wrong the war on drugs is and how wrong the thinking going into it is. It just seems like they are controlling the message of the drug war, and having people think its just another law, when it really is a completely different ball game. Also I did speech and debate and high school and have always had fun trying to approach arguments from different angles.
  4. #4 allthehype21, Mar 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2010
    + juan to you

    I think genocide is an appropriate term. Drug culture is a very real thing; I do not think that is even debatable. Furthermore, would anyone on this site disagree with the statement "the war on drugs is really a war on people" ? It seems to be a pretty consistant attitude among drug users.

    And honestly, I do NOT think you are crossing lines by using the term "genocide". At all. This "war" has affected aloooot of people. People go to jail for life, or get a criminal record and cannot advance professionally, or are actually killed once in prison or get caught up in drug cartels/gangs. Considering people do drugs to alter their own perception and thoughts drives the idea home that that the "enemy" does not pose a real "threat". And if your enemy is non-violent, then your war is not really a war.

    Edit: You have a base for a very serious and very unique essay.
  5. I believe that the term "war on drugs " Is a political ploy by our government to create a diluted message that , like you all stated, causes a redirected focus off of the government and creates a demonized view of the terrible "drug users" . With out this message that a war is being waged politicians and our government could not justify imprisoning hundreds of thousands with the public's support. Instead, if our government can create an image of wasteful, lazy, dangerous , and violent drug users people will roll over on issues given to protect our "society" from such "bad" people.

    In short, I believe the war on drugs is a purposefully created image of EVIL meant to brain wash the average American into believing the hype of how bad drugs are and explain why we need Gov. to protect us. In reality its not the drugs that are harming us so much as it is our governments imprisonment that is the real danger. Yet mainstream america lives in an oblivious state. Besides cannabis, the majority of Americans don't have a serious drug issue nor will they ever. yet there is a slim majority that is prosecuted and that is why it is so hard to get the mainstream American to understand what is going on behind their backs . So long as they dont touch "drugs" they will never become affected ( unless a family member,friend, ect.. is incarcerated)

    i have never viewed the "war on drugs " as a genocide and find it quite fitting. It would be bad ass if we could actually build a case against the US gov. with this as a main charge .
  6. It is 100% fact that the war on drugs started out as a war on a certain culture/racial group and 100% fact that it has continued to this day remaining a war on the Culture and people that surround drugs. And it only takes one short article pointing out all of the facts and data to understand this.

    Yet every day it continues because people don't look into it beyond what they hear from the media.

    And Cannabis certainly is their focus because its so much more available and widely accepted than any other drug

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