I Found 11 Seeds of a New Strain in my sister trash can im gonna name it Trailer Trash Probaly gonna turn out to be some bullshit weed but at least i got me a Strain and it didnt cost me $20
why not just spend 20$ to get some seeds you know is gonna turn out some dank chronic, instead of spending all that time to grow something that could turn out to be shwag.. I dunno just my suggestion.
grow out those seeds. i've seen some grows with badseed turn into some DANK buds. all plants want to be dank.
Just because you found these seeds and don't know the strain doesn't make them a new strain. New strains are unique, new genetic combinations.
Well ill grow em and yall can tell me what kind they are .... i just planted 5 sprouts and know im hittin em with the Watts