New seeds

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Malikswann20, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. Mephisto Genetics Cream De La Chem I know yall hate Autos but I always wanted to try them out so I figured I get them just one question did anybody else receive these free seeds it's like 10 of them called Blue mouth Eddie from root 77 can't find a single thing on them don't know if the reg fem or autos I ordered from heritageseedbank giving away 10 free seeds somethings up 20220929_165939.jpg 20220929_165946.jpg

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  2. the one says feminized which means photo try growing some big plants this time dont get in a hurry you have the space check out my latest post to get an idea of how to do it you need big pots,great soil and most of all tons and tons of light
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  3. Thank you for the advice but Mephisto only makes Autos genetics the best I've been told but yeah I was thinking that for my next photo grow I need them to be a lil bigger

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  4. Mephisto is a top auto breeder. I grew quite a few some years back and they did well. Consistent quality.
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