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New Roor

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Blainizzle, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. #1 Blainizzle, Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2013
  2. damn take some water out of the bottom! but nice lookin bong enjoy your new piece! :bongin:
  3. Yeah, I realized I had to much water. Noob mistake with a new bong. lol
  4. pretty cool man
    nice buy
  5. #5 ckycampmember, Jun 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2013
    It'd hit way easier with less water...
    Also, definitely a fake RooR.
  6. Oh well. Still works great. 
  7. RIP Big Bertha
  8. Thats so sad^^ lolol before seeing the dates of the posts I thought u just got it then broke it an hour later

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  9. The thing was barely a month old, it didn't even have a chance at life yet. Be more careful with your glass, its is, in fact, glass...
    This thread is a great example of getting what you paid for.
  11. No offense, but Justin Beiber doesnt even have Justin Beiber hair anymore.
  12. I'm aware of what a bong it made of. 
  13. Then why didn't you take better care of it?
  14. It only takes one slip its not like I dropped it. I went to pick it up and it wobbled fell over and broke where the downstem goes in. 
  15. Pshhh noobs haha
  16. Quit busting my balls. This is the first piece I have broken in the 10 years I've been smoking. It's not like you are a god who has never broken anything in your life. 
  17. Haha you're close, I'm Jesus...

    Yeah man I'm just bustin your balls no harm meant. Honestly though I've never broken a bong, plenty of bowls dropped from my lap to their demise after I forgot they were there though
  18. It's cool. I only ever broke that bong. Kind of a shitty day. Now, I have to buy her a new one. But I will buy a better one. 
  19. For sure man onto bigger and better things :smoke:
  20. $ real

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